Sunday, October 18, 2009

2 Questions

I have two burning questions and need some feedback from all of you guys out there in the blog world.


Question #1: Do you have any fun ideas for Halloween/Fall party games? I'm considering Pumpkin Bowling and Fall Bingo but I need another one or two ideas that would be appropriate for second graders.

Question #2: Do any of you wear Bare Minerals? I bought some last month (first time I've bought new make-up in forever) and I think it's causing my skin to break out. Anyone had that issue?

Just wondering.


  1. Hi Meredith! As for games, I bought a large cardboard skeleton at the dollar store. Lay him down on a large piece of paper (butcher paper I guess) and trace around him. Then, disassemble him and hide his bones and let the kids find them and put him back together. Another is a pumpkin tossing contest, but making the pumpkins (mini) slippery. I was trying to figure out what to use that wouldn't stain. So, I wouldn't use olive oil. What about egg whites? Have to think further on that.

    Bare minerals I have used for years and years with no problems.

  2. Thanks, Adrienne. I like that skeleton game idea.

  3. I saw a broom/pumpkin race in Family Fun...where you push the pumpkin w/ the broom down the way and it looked fun...

    I've always enjoyed a Pumpkin Decorating Contest (using a bunch of craft items: yarn, stickers, google eyes,paint, etc) w/ awards like "silliest" "most colorful" "most creative" ..

    I don't use bare minerals but I do use their competitor called Bella Terra (they don't use formica, according to BT, Bare Minerals does) and I've never had any problems from it.

    I'll be checking back here b/c I'm having a "Monster Mash" here Saturday night for Halloween and I'd love to get some ideas too!!

  4. We did this one at Neeley's school - Pass the Pumpkin—Holding a small pumpkin under their chin, students will try to pass the gourd onto the next person in line without using their hands.

    I tried Bare Minerals earlier this year and had to give it away. It made huge cankers in my skin in less than a week. Very painful and took forever to heal.

  5. I bought Bare Minerals for my duaghter because it was all natural and her skin as been fine. Maybe you are allergic to something in it. I thought they mentioned when I purchased it that it was guaranted so you could return it for your money back.

  6. Nothing planned for halloween except taking the kids to a church activity.

    I can't wear powdered makeup of any kind because it gets in my contacts and causes all manner of irritation. And yes for all those rolling their eyes saying.. you are supposed to put your contacts in before you put your make up on...dur.. I know this.. And I do...bare mineral makeup is not made for those who wear contacts. Unless you like to feel like you've got sand in your eye!

  7. Meredith, I use Bare Minerals and it's never made me break out. Maybe you're just breaking out because you're trying something new and different after using another product for so long. But I've never heard of someone breaking out when using it!

  8. My only problem with BE is that I don't think it covers enough for my sun damage. But I lurve the eyeshadows, blushes and lip glosses.

    When my kids were little, we would have mummy wrap races with toilet paper. Since their classes were super small, we paired the kids up, but I would imagine that you could have several mummy wrapper folk and one mummy in a group.

  9. I like having kids decorate their own cookies.

    For Halloween, I usually provide pumpkin shaped sugar cookies. I let the kids "make orange" by mixing red and yellow food coloring into white icing. Then spread it on the cookies and add chocolate chips for eyes, nose and smile.

    If you are doing this in class for a school party you might do this too: If they write their name on a mini paper plate that holds their cookie, you can let everyone design cookies before anyone eats. It's fun to look at the different faces and different shades of orange that they all come up with.

  10. I don't have any fun party games. But I do enjoy a fun party.

    I have very sensitive skin and used Bare Minerals for awhile. The only thing I noticed (this was summer, by the way) was that when I was outside in the heat, my face felt like something was stinging it. But I didn't break out.

  11. I have had more breakouts since starting Bare Minerals, but I also am 35 and my hormones have dropped some more. Maybe it's just hormones?

  12. I found this site with several games on it...

    Hope it helps.

  13. If you are going to be outside you could do a spoonful of water carried over to a plastic or real pumpkin in teams to see who fills it fastest.

    I have never used Bare Minerals. But, sorry to say I have heard bad things. I use things from this site called Garden Botanika. It is all natural stuff. It even covers my sun damage.

  14. I used Bare Minerals for about 4 months. I didn't think the coverage was good at all AND if I got the least little bit sweaty (gross, I know...just keepin' it real), it ran everywhere. I didn't like it at all.

  15. I used Bare Minerals for about a year. I LOVED it but then I started getting this really itchy red rash on my face. Had to go to the dermatologist to get rid of it. I don't know if Bare Minerals caused it or just aggravated it but I quit using it. I use the cheap stuff from Walmart and like it just fine!

  16. I can't use bare minerals because it makes me itchy and it has that bad little habit of highlighting every single large pore that I have on my face.

    As far as parties go, flashlight tag is about as creative as I get....

  17. Meredith,
    We did a halloween party last year and one of the faves was the mummy wrap. You can use tp or cut strips of fabric. Take lots of pictures. We had a race when we did this.

    About the bare minerals, never used that brand but I do like the Costco /Berghese mineral make-up. Doesn't cause zits. Yeah!

  18. No ideas for Halloween games, but I HAVE worn Bare Minerals before. I didn't really like it too much!

  19. #1- We have a fall fest at our house for all the neighbors and hands down the favorite for kids is apple bobbing. Not the least messy but they LOVE it.

    #2 -I tried Bare M. and do not like it at all.

  20. Someone may have mentioned this. I didn't read others comments. You can peel grapes and put them in a bowl, blindfold the kids and have them feel them. . . they are supposed to feel like eyeballs.

    I use Bare Minerals and LOVE it!!! Have you tried cleaning your brushes? My sister had this problem and she gave her brushes a good cleaning and it fixed it. Good luck.
