Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Shamelessly Stealing This Idea and Sharing With YOU!

I've been reading Home Safe by Elizabeth Berg this week for one of my bookclubs.

I came across this idea in one chapter of the book and it's too good not to blatantly steal adopt and share!

In the book, Helen's husband Dan gives her a beautifully wrapped box for Christmas. Her mind imagines all the exquisite (and likely expensive) things that the box might contain, and she is surprised when she finally opens the box and finds it empty. Her husband explains that all the things he might have given her don't hold a candle to the non-material things they already possess.

A tradition is born in Helen and Dan's family and every year on Christmas one person receives the box and has the opportunity to share what gifts it holds for them.

Isn't that wonderful???

My family already has a tradition involving a beautiful box under the Christmas tree--one that I want to keep, but I think that I'm going to try to incorporate this empty box idea NOW.

Maybe just keep a pretty box on the kitchen counter and from time to time hand it to someone in our family and ask them to share one of their gifts out loud with the rest of us (like at dinner). It would also be great to use along with our Thankful Chain during November, or maybe even for half-birthday celebrations (we have dessert and sing Halfy-Birthday to You!) since we don't give gifts for those occasions. Dunno, but it stirs my creative pot and I hope it will stir yours too!

Happy Wednesday.


  1. Meredith, I LOVE the thankful chain idea....if you don't mind, I just might borrow that from you. The box idea is wonderful too....many times we forget to stop and realize the blessing we have in our lives- big and little.

    Your beautifl gift idea under the tree is awesome too. Thank you for sharing practical ways to celebrate the holiday season.

  2. LOVE this!! And BTW, ever since I read your gift giving guide for your children I have been thinking about it all year! I'm really excited to implement it this Christmas!! And here you are again, sharing another amazing idea. Many thanks!

  3. Oh, I like! Feel free to steal ideas and share them here with us just anytime!!

  4. What a lovely idea. Thanks for stealing and sharing:)

  5. Oh I adored that book! I hope you love it too. The way Elizabeth Berg writes is so wonderful. Love the idea.

  6. That is a touching idea - thank you for sharing it and inspiring me. :-)

  7. This is a great idea! I really plan to do a thankful chain this year!

  8. You always have the best ideas (stolen or otherwise)!
