Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hump Day

Good morning.

Today is a happy day, friends.

Today my husband returns home after a six-day trip. Six days is a long time. John travels fairly often, but this is the longest he's been gone in a while.

He's been on a mini-publicity tour for his book. Three book signings, two television interviews, and another radio interview mixed in there as well. He's having fun, but I think he's pretty tired. I'm tired too. I never sleep well when he's away.

But he'll be home later and I'm so happy! And so happy for him.

Of course, anything that can go wrong while he's away usually does. This trip was no exception. Since Friday, I've had to handle some lovely stuff including--plunging a toilet (gross, gross, gross), dealing with an emergency vet visit for an eye problem with Jack-the-beagle, administering eye drops to a very active beagle three times a day (oh my gosh! not easy!), dealing with standing water under my kitchen sink, driving on icy roads, and helping my middle schoolers with their math homework (oy!) I'm sure there's more stuff that I can't remember right now. I'm content to let it live deep in the recesses of my memory. hasn't been dull around here, and I'm actually a big fan of dull. (smile).

Today I'm field-tripping with some second graders to see a play--Peter Pan. That's two plays for me in less than two weeks! (So cultured.) I laughed when Abbey's teacher asked me if I wanted to go. She said this was an "easy" field trip because they'll all be sitting for two hours. I'm really good with that!

Today is pretty full so I need to get going. Just wanted to pop in and say hello! I also need to confess that I totally cheated on my sugar fast on Monday. After wrangling Jack at the vet for over an hour and driving on the icy roads and trying to get warm in the 15 degree weather, I gave up and drove through Starbucks. That gingerbread latte was SO good. But I'm back on track and haven't cheated since. I know that pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving is going to be so worth it!!! (By the way, I've lost three pounds just from NOT eating sugar for 10 days--not bad!)

Bye. Happy hump day. ;)


  1. You totally earned that latte!

    Have a great day, sounds like you will. :)

  2. Darn it. Maybe I should give up sugar, too? As long as I can keep my coffee creamer I'm good.

  3. Yay! for your man returning home!
    Yay for Gingerbread Latte's!
    Yay! for Wednesdays! It date night tonight for The Mister and me...favorite night of the week!

  4. Oh, I know you'll be so glad to have your hubby back!!!!! :)

  5. Meredith,
    Bless your heart. Yep stuff always happens when the men are away working. bummer.

    I am going to make our own advent wreath this year per your suggestion. I keep thinking about it, and so I'm adding it to my list for shopping tomorrow. Thanks for sharing it.

    Have a Blessed evening with your hubby,

  6. That is why I keep my husband around, to take care of plunging, standing water and you didn't say it but I will to kill those nasty bugs.

  7. Wow, you did earn the latte for sure!! That's a lot of craziness for one week! We're down to a week now, can't you taste that pie?!

  8. Meredith,
    If your kids get hung up on math homework, is a great resource to check out! It has different teachers explaining different areas of math. Elem. level and higher levels too!

    Trying to get caught up on some blog reading...I've kind of become a blog drop out! :)

    Gonna have to try that gingerbread latte!

  9. Meredith,
    If your kids get hung up on math homework, is a great resource to check out! It has different teachers explaining different areas of math. Elem. level and higher levels too!

    Trying to get caught up on some blog reading...I've kind of become a blog drop out! :)

    Gonna have to try that gingerbread latte!
