Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I just googled synonyms for list because it seems like all I ever post anymore are lists...and really, I can think of only one way to say "list"...even after googling the synonyms. The closest substitution I could find was series.

So this is a series of bullet points of some things on my mind.

  • John and I had dinner last night with some dear friends, Sam and Amanda. Amanda did all of the sketches in John's book. John is giving away a print of one of those sketches this week on his blog (along with a book). He's drawing a winner on Friday.
  • You can also go here and meet Amanda for yourself. I enjoyed visiting with her so much last night!
  • I've always prided myself a bit on being a library girl. Always said, "I rarely buy books." Well, that's fine and frugal, but guess what? I'm married to a writer. And guess what? Writers NEED people to buy their books. So, I'm eating some crow these days...and putting my money where my mouth used to be.
  • I have three sugar-free days under my belt. This morning I'm drinking my coffee without creamer. It's not bad...but it's not good either. How are the rest of you sugar fasters doing?
  • So ready for Thursday. Because it is my Friday this week. My kids are out on Friday (and Monday) and so I get a four-day weekend. I'm thinking of painting my bathroom. If you find my motivation, will you let me know?
  • Definitely feeling crafty these days, but don't have a project in mind. I bet a trip to Hobby Lobby would remedy that!
  • I have book club today and hoping my friends will still let me continue in this group seeing as I haven't read the book. (Hanging my head in shame).
Alright. That's all. Short and sweet.

Hey, thanks for joining the 10 on the 10th fun. I always have a blast reading you guys' posts.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. A bunch of random:
    Dearie, you could always just look up the synopsis of the book on Amazon and "wing it!" But I'm sure your book club loves you whether you read the book or not. LOL
    I am a library girl to the core but when I find a special book, I always buy it as evidenced by my bookshelves. I ADORE cookbooks especially.
    You are my hero for forgoing the creamer. I..just..can' Too painful.
    Hobby this time of year...I must avoid it at all costs until I'm ready to do the actual PLANNED decorating. Otherwise I end up with a lot of random components that make me look like I visited every garage sale in the county and picked up random Christmas stuff. No continuity.

  2. I'm so proud of you and your no sugar thing. I so wish I could be so strong. Won't.Happen.In.This.Lifetime.

    I'm still just so tickled pink about John's book!! Can't wait for his book signing here!! :)

  3. Day 20 of no sugar. It gets easier! :) But I missed out on a yummy dessert yesterday at Bible study. That stinketh.

    What book were you supposed to read? I'm still reading "Olive Kitteredge." Strange transitions, but interesting so far.

    Maybe you could change your blog title to "Life and Lists at 7000 Feet." Hee hee!!


  4. You can never go wrong with a list. It's like basic black - always in fashion.

    I think your motivation is visiting mine somewhere in Outer Siberia.

  5. I'm feeling crafty too. Please let me know if you find your motivation, because I'm sure mine is hiding with yours =)

    Have a beautiful evening,

  6. A "series" of comments and questions:

    I've been trying to be a library girl, but it's hard. First, I'm NOTORIOUS for returning them late. I'm actually a little nervous about what my fine is going to be next time I go in. But also, if something sticks out, I love to underline it. Which is strange since I've always been anal about making my books stay in perfect condition. But I'm trying to get over that, because I think I prefer them to look "loved" now. Hmm. Have you ever tried (or something?)? Maybe it's a happy medium.

    Hobby Lobby runs are why I have loads of not-yet-started projects cluttering my craft room. Dangerous. Don't do it.

    What book is it you haven't read? I'm on my second time through Guernsey and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I'm recommending it for our next book club read. Right now we're reading "Beneath a Marble Sky" - I have no idea what it's about but I need to get started...

  7. I'm so so glad you're doing the no sugar thing with me. I thought of you when I was tempted to eat a cookie at Paradise Bakery yesterday and I resisted!! :)

    Its so funny that you said you've been feeling crafty. A friend and I were poring over the Martha Stewart Kids magazines at her house today--so many fun ideas but now I'm a little overwhlemed with TOO many ideas. :)

    Good luck with the bathroom painting!!

  8. I am not a library girl. My library and I have had a falling out. So sad. But I very rarely buy new books. I make use of the used book store in a near by town. I love owning books. I re-read them over and over again.
    I am starting some Christmas gifts this week. I am making a crocheted set of flour sack dish towels, 2 stocking caps, and a no sew fleece pillow.

  9. Hanging head as well because I actually have the paint with which to paint my bathroom, and I haven't painted it yet. Just ran out of steam. In July. How embarrassing is that. Maybe I'll surprise Big with a finished task for his homecoming.

  10. When I read the bullet point about your painting project i read:Thinking about painting the ballroom.

    Wouldn't that be a hoot!? She doesn't buy books but she paints her ballroom!

