Monday, November 09, 2009

Wanna Join Us?

I decided Saturday night to join my friend, Megan, in her sugar fast. She challenged her blog readers to take a break from sugar until Thanksgiving.

For me, that looks like this:
  • No soda
  • No dessert
  • No baked goods
  • No Starbucks
  • Very Occasional (like once a week) honey in my hot tea
We're only fasting from sugar until Thanksgiving...which is about 2.5 weeks away, and even though I have a MAJOR headache today from the withdrawals, I know I'll feel so good when I get it all out of my system.

My one (tiny) concession is coffee creamer. I like my Gingerbread and Pumpkin Spice CoffeeMate a lot. But the thing is I only use about a teaspoon anyway. This morning I had my second cup with only half and half and it wasn't unbearable.

Megan isn't super strict on the rules--you can basically set your own. Maybe you just want to cut out dessert. Or soda. You can choose your parameters.

So...........anyone want to join us?

PS--I just realized today is the 9th, which means tomorrow is the 10th. I've got a good list going for 10 on the 10th! Be thinking about yours if you want to join in. I'll get my post up this evening for those of you who want to link up.


  1. It's crazy. This morning I woke up with this same thought in mind. I guess I'm publicly saying I'll join ya. Please keep us sugar addicts encouraged along the way.....

  2. No, thank you very much! I would rather give up my right arm than sugar.

    But in my defense, I don't drink sugar in my tea or coffee. And rarely make dessert. And I don't like soda.

    But I have a weakness for Special K breakfast bars.

  3. I'm joining. For me, I'll do baking, but nix the chocolate and increase things like whole wheat flour and cane sugar, rather than using white. I'm going to avoid white foods as much as possible till Thanksgiving. Oopsie daisy. Looks like potato soup is out then. :) Thanks for the fire under my behind.

  4. I'll jump on board. I am trying to anyway so this will help! Thanks!

  5. I have company coming this weekend and it's the "sit around and eat chocolate chip cookies 'til we hurl" kind. I may join you next week.

    I am adding an extra half hour to my work outs though until then....

  6. Do you just mean refined sugar? Because I think I'd rather have my legs waxed than give up my sugar. Well, maybe I could, but I'm with you. No one makes me part with my coffee creamer. NO ONE.

    ACK! Tomorrow's the 10th! Gotta get cracking!

  7. Hmmm...I've gotta come up with a list of parameters that I can actually stick to. I'm definitely interested, though. It would be a first for me to fast from sugar - I'm really attached.

  8. I totally admire you for doing this Mer, and the others that are doing this challenge also. I don't have that kind of willpower and just love my sweet stuff too much! Coffee creamer, sweetener in tea, coffee, diet soda, sweets, the list goes on and on. I'm not sure I could give any of it up! :)

    Good luck and let us know how it's going, hope your headache is better tomorrow!
