Friday, January 29, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood

Today is Fairy Tale Day for my second-grader. They're concluding a unit on Fairy Tales and they get to dress up and have a Fairy Tale ball at the end of the day.


I've said it many times before but I'm challenged when it comes to costumes. Bottom line is that I just don't like figuring it all out. I did better with Halloween this year and honestly put some thought and planning into it. When Abbey mentioned that she wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood I decided to give it a go.

This post on Janna's blog was good inspiration. By the way, Janna's blog is amazing. She is one talented girl!

I bought a pattern (.99 at Joann's. Score!!!) and some red felt and spent last Saturday making this cape for Abbey.

I'm not a perfectionist (hallelujah) but it turned out better than I expected and wasn't too hard. I really only got confused on the hood part of it.

Abbey loves it. Isn't she the cutest Little Red Riding Hood you've ever seen?

Y'all have a great Friday! I'm off to book club, errands, and a Fairy Tale Ball!


  1. For not being a perfectionist, that sure looks perfect, Mer! Great job!

  2. You win today's Mom of the Day award. It's darlin'....

  3. I'm so proud of you!! For your sewing project AND for finishing your book!!

  4. Girl, you rock!

    I am NOT very crafty and would have grabbed a red tablecloth and called it good....;) My poor kids.

  5. Yeah, you totally deserve some sort-of award for this.
    Too cute

  6. This looks this what you were sewing? FAB! She is a very cute Little Red Riding Hood!

  7. I'm impressed! Such a cute Little Red Riding Hood! Have you always known how to sew!?! Awesome costume!

    ~ Ali

  8. Your girl is too adorable! How can you stand having kids so cute?

  9. great job! i love it when i have sewing success.

  10. Yes, she is so cute! I am impressed!

    Have a great weekend! We're starting to get snow here - yippee!

  11. Great job and she looks soooo cute :) Hope you all had fun!

  12. SO adorable!!!

    So it that room behind her. I vote for a little post about your daughter's bedroom... it looks so cute.

  13. I love the costume!

    It's so funny, I just happened upon your blog while hopping from one to another, and I saw your picture on the side and then scrolled down a bit and saw your daughter's pic and I was like "what! it's the same person only younger!" Haha! You two look so much alike! :)


  14. You are so crafty! You should be proud! :)

  15. Good job! She is definitely the most adorable Red Riding Hood I've ever seen.

  16. Great job! She is adorable. Too bad she can't pass that on to a little sister.

    (cough cough cough)

  17. This is PRECIOUS, and she looks just darling wearing it. I hope she had a wonderful time at the ball. I have no doubt she was the best dressed. She will always remember that her Mommy took the time to make her costume by hand.

    I love the Wednesday posts that you and John are doing. My husband and I don't fight over the "big" issues that many couples seem to fight over. (Money, sex, in-laws, parenting, etc.) That should mean that we don't fight......but unfortunately, we just fight about stupid stuff that isn't deserving of it! The biggest cause of our arguments is housework. I'm an obsessive housekeeper. My husband is.......not. When I stop looking at my own jobs and start focusing on what he is (or isn't) doing then I'm tempted to keep score, and I pick a fight. That's another thing. In our house, a lover is married to a fighter. I tend to start almost all of our fights. Well, your posts are thought provoking, and I was glad this week for the opportunity to admit some things in my heart and pray about some issues that the Lord brought to mind.

    My husband and I are very, very, VERY different people. At times in our marriage that has created an almost unbearable strain. But I love what Rick Warren has to say....God often brings opposites together because if we were identical, one of us would be totally unnecessary! How true! Compromise and sacrifice can be hard, but sharing a life with someone who challenges me to think, to grow, and to love very deeply is so worth it.

    I'm thankful for this nut I'm sharing my life with. Even if he doesn't always (ever??) remember to wash his dishes. :)

    (That's the last thing. I can't ever resist having the last word!!)

  18. Jam up and jelly tight, to quote a friend (Tiff)!

    I know this sounds all kinds of wrong, but I am in love with that girl. I just am.

  19. MER!! Wowzers.

    What a proud little girl and what a talented/crafty Mama!!

    I know y'all had a blast!!

  20. Great job, Mom. She looks adorable!! :)
