Friday, February 05, 2010

stream of consciousness friday recap...

i am so glad it's friday.

because i'm super tired.

this week was busy.

next week will be even busier, and i'm dreading it.

but next week is only a four-day week.

and next weekend is a four-day weekend.

for all five of us.

so there's light at the end of the tunnel...hallelujah!

i love friday nights at home.

i also love my husband.

i had an issue with a clerk at the grocery store today when i tried to talk to her about an error on my receipt.

she was rude.

she made me cry.

i was angry.

i called john.

and cried. and ranted.

john called her boss and told him her behavior was uncalled for (it was).


the manager apologized. and offered to fix the mistake that the lady wouldn't even acknowledge.

i was going to watch my friend's son for her son for her over lunch today.

she ended up not needing me but he still wanted to come over (he's adorable) so i invited them both to come eat lunch with me.

she said she'd bring subway.

i didn't argue.

her son fell asleep before they got here so they didn't stay. but she brought me a yummy sandwich and it made the mean grocery store lady incident better. (thank you, heather!)

we're having chicken pot pie for dinner.

john is really the only one who likes chicken pot pie.

but i'm tired of pizza which is our usual friday night meal. we've had way too much pizza lately.

i got the kids a movie.

i'd be willing to bet that i'll be asleep within 15 minutes of starting it.


is this the most boring post EVER?

our weekend is feeling full to me. i don't like that very much. not this weekend anyway.

but, if i can make it until next thursday afternoon then i'll be in for a relaxing four-day weekend. have i mentioned that i'm excited about that?

y'all have a good weekend.

if i can get my act together, i'll be back with a unique giveaway. intrigued? stay tuned...


  1. My husband made me cry yesterday because I called him while I was at death's door (to tell him I was at death's door), and he hung up on me and called the doctor, then called me back to tell me he had talked me into the next available appointment.

    I seriously love this man.

  2. I can't believe someone was rude to you, and I'm so sorry it made you cry.
    Way to go hubby!

  3. Sometimes store clerks have no sense at all. They need to remember what it is like to be the customer. I am sorry she was rude to you.
    Try and find some time for yourself this weekend. You'll feel better.

  4. This post made me feel like we were chatting about your day on the phone. I liked it. I'm a stream of consciousness kind of girl, I think.

    Sorry about the rude. Yay for the hero and the Subway sandwich. Sorry about the full weekend but yay that next week's has four days.

    Yay for actually getting to talk on the phone this week. Even now remembering it, I am glad. Burdens shared aren't near as heavy.

    Yay for you.

  5. This post made me feel like we were chatting about your day on the phone. I liked it. I'm a stream of consciousness kind of girl, I think.

    Sorry about the rude. Yay for the hero and the Subway sandwich. Sorry about the full weekend but yay that next week's has four days.

    Yay for actually getting to talk on the phone this week. Even now remembering it, I am glad. Burdens shared aren't near as heavy.

    Yay for you.

  6. I hate rude store clerks. I am glad she got her come-uppance.
    You are the customer, you are always right. At least that is how it is supposed to be. I am also glad that your husband supports you. Yeah!
    I fall asleep during movies too. X files seems to be the worst.

  7. I love husbands who are our heroes. Sometimes I feel like I should be able to do handle things on my own, and I can. But when you don't have to and you can rest while your hero comes in to save the day, it's so good!! Hang on for Thursday!!

  8. Meredith,
    Thanks for the peek into your Friday. Boy, I've had days like that too...And congrats on your blog! Didn't even know it was here!
