Thursday, February 18, 2010

This Just Makes Me Laugh!

Just walked past some folded laundry that I need to put away and noticed this.

My aunt gave Will this t-shirt for Christmas.

Makes me laugh every time I see it.

Evidently, the guy who created The South Butt is being sued by The North Face. Gee, I can't imagine why?

Anyway, maybe this logo makes you smile today too.

By the way, thanks, J, for helping me catch up on laundry this week! I love you!

AND if you want to buy a t-shirt like this one you can click The South Butt link above and it will take you to the online store. You're welcome.


  1. ha ha...that is so funny. thanks for making me laugh!

  2. Oh, come on North Face! Don't sue! They don't think that's even just a little bit funny?

  3. Haha! At first I thought maybe a letter had come off in the wash or something. Too funny!

  4. That is funny! Are South Butts bigger than others? Because of all the fried food? Just wonderin.

  5. I know I already commented but I looked at the link for the fun of it. And they have a disclaimer right on it and it says.
    We are not in any fashion related to nor do we want to be confused with The North Face Apparel Corp. or its products sold under "The North Face" brand. If you are unable to discern the difference between a face and a butt, we encourage you to buy North Face products."

  6. I'm definitely fall more into the South Butt clientel focus than the North Face. Glad to know it's out there.

  7. Love that!!! Thanks so much for the chuckle!

  8. Should be a women's only shirt. For we know...after the age of 30, or starting the day a man is married, he starts losing his butt. There is no south to it. ;)
