I have just a few quick things to share....
1. I posted Julie's sugar cookie recipe here. You're welcome.
2. I'm really excited about my choice of film for family movie night tonight. We're watching Troop Beverly Hills. It's so old but I remember it being very funny. I think my girls will love it, but I'm not so sure about the boy. |Update: It was funny (and very 80s) but I'd forgotten that there was quite a bit of language in this movie.|
3. I'm glad I had a morning at home because my afternoon is going to be c-r-a-z-y. Lots of running around to do, and must take the beagle to the vet. That might be my least favorite job ever. |Update: John took the beagle for me! My hero!|
4. John and I are going to Big Sur, California for our anniversary trip. It's on the coast (south of Monterey) but it's mountainous too. It's the best of both worlds, and the pictures I've seen are gorgeous! We've talked about going there for probably fifteen years, so we're pretty excited that it's going to happen! It seems very "us". Anyone been there?
5. This is my 998th post. Crazy! Sometime tomorrow I'm going to post another weekend poll and then I'll be back on Monday with something fun. Here's a not-so-subtle-hint of what's to come...

Sounds like a fabulous destination!
1000 posts--wow!
I remember watching TBH--hope you enjoy it--ALL of you. =)
Look at your cool party button. :) Congrats on 1000 posts!
My mother-in-law is like you with cleaning. She really and truly enjoys it. I love the benefits of cleaning, but ... well, I also enjoy having a mother-in-law who enjoys doing the cleaning for me.
Oh, and I am VERY excited for your anniversary trip! HOW COOL!!!
I am so impressed you've written that many posts, and stuck with it - congrats!
Big Sur sounds incredible. Actually, anywhere sounds incredible to me - just getting away would be heavenly!
Funny - Big Sur was mentioned this morning at homeschool co-op in Geography class.
Waking up to a clean house is good no matter what day it is!!
I I have see Troop Beverly Hills once, I 've seen it 100 times. love it.
I am so excited about out party next week! We're almost there!
I can't wait to see what's in store!! Maybe an extra ticket to Big Sur????? heehee!
I've been to Big Sur, Mer. It's breathtaking. Corey and I drove Highway 1 from San Jose to San Diego one summer. You'll love it.
1000th post! Wow. I can't imagine getting there anytime soon!
My 13th birthday was spent on a deep-sea fishing boat (losing my cookies--or birthday cake!) at Monterey. Fun and crazy day I'll never forget.
Oh, Big Sur sounds beautiful! What a perfect place for you to go. :)
I'm thinking Greer's Ferry for our anniv. Ever been there?
1000 posts? That is very impressive!!
I'm not sure if I really love cleaning or just love the end result :) Your anniversary trip sounds wonderful...take lots of pics so us over on the East Coast can see! and wow...1,000! I'm getting ready to hit 500!
I'm just like you cleaning and happy always go together. In fact i was at my friends today and I started cleaning her microwave and she was like why are you doing that? I said I can't help it, it makes me happy!!
We went to Big Sur on our Honeymoon almost 17 years ago, we were all along the coast there! Beautiful place.
oh girl big sur and carmel are my favoritest places on earth!! it is so beautiful. the most beautiful landscape i've ever seen. take tons of pictures. you won't be able to help yourself. i've been twice and want to go again. love it!!!
also, monterey if you have time, is so neat.
I am impressed with the 1000th post.....congrats...and my happy place it at home too....
We share the same friend in Amy....
Happy Weekend....
I so wish I loved to clean. I love a clean house. I just hate having to do it - ha!ha!
Big Sur sounds wonderful!!! I'm very excited for you guys. I have a friend who ran the Big Sur Marathon, and she said it was breathtakingly gorgeous!!! Can't wait to see some pics!
1000 posts? WOW, WOW, WOW!!!
I love a good party!
If you get the opportunity on your trip to Big Sur, drive up the coast to Point Lobos State Reserve (just south of Carmel and Monterey). It was my favorite part of my trip to Big Sur. Very beautiful!
Fun! Paaartaaay!!!
Troop Beverly Hills - that brings back memories! I've been surprised as an adult how much bad language and inuendo there is in the movies I watched as a kid in the 80's. I think it went right over my head, but now it sticks out like a sore thumb! :)
1000 posts?! Wowza!
I can't wait to try that recipe. I have a sugar cookie with royal icing recipe but I've never tried the one you posted. Iced sugar cookies are a huge weakness of mine.
Oh, I love Big Sur. Hubby and I spent some time there almost 15 years ago. There is this cool restaurant but I can't remember the name of it, I keep thinking of a Phoenix though. I'm sure it's something else by now. It's a very peaceful environment and oh, so beautiful. Have a great time!
Duuuude! Big Sur. Like that sounds gnarly! A little too Fast Times at Ridgemont High for you?
I'm so excited that you've made your choice and have a couple of months of planning and fun anticipation for your trip.
lurve ya.
Happy place? I'm sure it must be your magic cream I sent you! ha ha ha (just teasin')
I haven't been buying anything junky and I told Andy this afternoon on the phone that I felt like eating a donut. HA. A sugar cookie would be a close second, though...
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