Saturday, March 20, 2010


Oops. Sorry I forgot to post yesterday. I'm sure you were all on the edge of your seat waiting to see if you'd won a whopping $10 or a set scripture cards.

Truth is we were enjoying our SNOW DAY! I don't know how many inches we ended up with. Maybe 8-10? But we stayed home all day (in our pjs) and did a bunch of nothing. It was wonderful, especially since it kicked off our spring break a day early!

Anyway, here are the winners:
Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-03-20 14:46:40 UTC

$10 gift card (of her choice) goes to:
Melissa@A Familiar Path
It's funny that Melissa won since I won a fun prize on her blog last week!

And I decided to give away two sets of scripture cards. The lucky ladies are:
Renae@Tree Frog Creations

How cool is it that I know both Renae and Angie in real life! Hey Angie, how about I deliver yours in person!?! And soon?

Peace out, peeps. I think that's going to be my new sign off. 


  1. I love it! Thanks! I'll take whatever is convenient for you. Target, Walmart. Anything is fine. Thanks so much.

  2. Love your new saying! I always say peeps to my kid's and they just roll their eyes. LOL

    Have fun with the snow and your spring break! We have ours in 2 weeks!! Woot Woot!

  3. You should definitely keep the sign off :)

  4. Yes, PLEASE deliver them in person! I'll even meet you halfway somewhere. What a great excuse to get together again... FINALLY.

    I'm thrilled that I won and can't wait to see what you come up with. I feel blessed already! Thank you!

  5. Congrats to the winners! Peace out, Mer. Yeah...I likey.

  6. I love those scripture cards!! Can you link to a tutorial or post one yourself? :)

  7. Hi,
    I am not that familiar with Longmont. There are some good parks there if the weather is nice. Also a museum I have been meaning to get to. I know that the mall is pretty small there. I wish I was more help! I hope you have fun with your friend.( Since your kids are older, it is fun to go rollerblading or something like that.)
