Thursday, March 25, 2010

What We've Been Up To...

Wow, I didn't mean to go four days without blogging. It just sorta happened, I guess. We've been enjoying
this week. Though I'm not sure Winter got the memo that it's actually spring now. More on that in a minute.

Here's a little of what we've been doing this week. 

Miss Abbey [our baby] turned EIGHT years old on Monday. She requested an art party and she found this idea for a birthday cake in her American Girl cookbook and asked me to make it for her. I love making my kids' birthday cakes. This one was fun (and super easy) and if you look closely you'll realize that I'm not a perfectionist.

Abbey had some friends come over and they spent the afternoon and evening making crafty stuff: tie-dye shirts/pillowcases, Hama bead creations, peace-sign necklaces, painted flowers/pots, etc. She was in her happy place. 

We said "yes" to her request for a sleepover (I was reminded around 10pm why I despise sleepovers) and no one got much sleep. But again, Abbey loved it and I love seeing her happy!

Monday was John's birthday too. We knew Monday would be all about Abbey so we had a family dinner and party on Sunday night. I've said it before, but he really is such a great sport to share his special day with Abbey.

So...what else have we been up to this week? Well...we've been 
So far, we've had two.

We started Spring Break with one last Friday, and we had a doozy of one blow in on Tuesday night and last through most of Wednesday. I think we've had about 18 inches of snow between these two storms. And guess what? More is on the way. [oh joy]. We were planning to go to Denver tomorrow afternoon and do some shopping but I don't think we'll be able to beat the storm so our plans are once again in flux. 

The kids played outside in it yesterday (once the sun came out). They made a fun obstacle course in the front yard, including a sledding run on our front steps. 

This pic of the three of them [above] was taken on the trampoline. Of course you might not be able to tell because it was covered in snow. That makes me laugh because it was beautiful here on Monday and the kids were out jumping in shorts and t-shirts. See?

Sarah has had a cold since before spring break. So have I. We just keep relapsing. UGH. Abbey is sneezing and coughing too, and I'm so ready for everyone to be healthy again. I suppose it's a good thing that they haven't had to miss school, and that we've had plenty of time to rest this week, but who wants to be sick on spring break?

I'm a fan of lazy! And I have no problem admitting it! Snow days are the best lazy days of all. Before the snow blew in, we went to the library and got plenty of books, and we went to Blockbuster and got several movies. All we did yesterday was lay around in our pjs while reading and watching movies. I felt a little bit sorry for my kids, but honestly, they enjoy it. I asked them if they were disappointed that they were getting snow on spring break and all three of them said: NO! We love lazy days! 

We had planned to go to Denver yesterday to meet a blog friend [Becca] but the weather and my concern over my "sickies" made us both decide to wait for health and warmer temps. [Becca was snowed in too!] Becca, I hate it worked out this way, but it will be so much nicer when it's not frigid outside! Right?

Some of our favorite Arkansas friends are trekking down from Winter Park where they've been skiing and tubing and snowmobiling, and later today we're going to hang out with them for a bit. They've never been to FiveGuys, and evidently I talk about that place enough to make them want to try it out so we're going to meet up with them there. I'm looking forward to it very much! 

Alrighty. The sun is shining [though it's still pretty cold today] and we're going to get out and enjoy the day. 

PS: Wedded Wednesday will be back next week. 


  1. Does Abbey ever NOT smile? I love her little spirit - It just shines through.

  2. I love that cake. I'm bookmarking that idea for N1. She loves little art projects (way more than me) and that is a GREAT idea for a birthday party for her some day.

  3. I ditto Sus's comment.

    Sounds like you are doing all that one should on Spring Break! Love moments like those!

    Soak them in!!

  4. LOVE the cake! Once again, you are so creative!! :)

  5. Looks like y'all are having fun. Adorable birthday girl - love her smile. And she looks NOTHING like her daddy, huh? :o)

  6. Wow, you did get a lot of snow. We only got about 4-5 inches. Funny thing is that it really doesn't bother me anymore, especially when I see the yellow and purple crocuses nearly in full bloom regardless if they're buried in the snow or not!
    Enjoy the rest of your spring break. Ironically, it's supposed to be really nice for a few days next week. Go figure!

  7. Oh my gosh...that cake is darling! I love it and may steal the idea for one of my kiddos. :)
    I'm glad you are having a fun spring break. We had a great one..even though we just stayed home so my husband could work. It was relaxing and we did a lot of sleeping, alot of talking and alot of planning for summer and college.
    Enjoy the rest of it!

  8. Mer,

    That cake is so cute. As you'll see from Natalie's cake last week, I'm not a perfectionist, either. =)

    The snow around here is finally melting (we set a record this yr for most consecutive days of snow--it's been since November!!), but we got 8 inches last week in KC. Boo!

    I agree about 5 Guys. We got one recently in a city near us, and I've been looking forward to trying it.

  9. I hope we can still be friends when I tell you that Abbey is losing her baby face. Mer...she looks like an eight year old. :)

    Sounds like you're making lemonade from the lemons of snow.

    Lurve that your kids play together.

    Lurve that you enjoy "lazy". Me 2!

  10. Hooray for Spring Break! Ours isn't until the week AFTER Easter. And, I miss the random March Colorado snowstorms. That was always so bizarre for me in college (being a native Californian!)

  11. Abbey's cake is precious!!!

    Love that you got to hang out with the peeps from the Delph. :)
    When I come back out there, will you take me to Five Guys, too????
    Pretty please?

  12. I -love- Abbey's cake! Good job, Mer!!!

  13. Happy kids are so beautiful. :)

    My bro. in Co. Sprgs has been texting me everytime it snows! Got another one tonight--crazy.

  14. Looks like a fun party!

    It will work out for us to get together on a warmer day. That was an all over the map weather week! Sun, warmth, snow, rain, wind. For goodness sake!

  15. What a GREAT cake!!!

    Looks like y'all have been having fun.
