Thursday, April 22, 2010

Other Things

My time has been consumed by other things lately...

Things like being sick. I did in fact succumb to a nasty cold last week and it sidelined me for most of the week/weekend. I woke up Monday extraordinarily grateful for the ability to breathe through my nose and taste coffee again! I'm still not 100% but I'm feeling better every day!

Things like solo parenting. John was out of town part of last week, and has been gone most of this week as well. Thankfully, he'll be arriving home from the airport later this morning and I am very, VERY glad. The kids and I just feel "off" when he's not here. We've survived, but not without a lot of whining. For the record, it was me doing the whining; my kids are champs. If you are a solo-parent, then you have my utmost respect.

Things like watching movies. After surviving the crazy busy-ness of last week (and I'm deliberately choosing NOT to whine here on the blog about the insanity of it all), I declared Saturday a stay-at-home-in-pajamas-and-watch-movies-all-day-long day. Of course it helped that it was about 40 degrees and foggy outside, and that my head felt like it was the size of a basketball and might explode at any moment.  Anyway, have you seen the previews for the remake of The Karate Kid? I rented the original version and our kids loved it. I'd forgotten how good it was! We also watched Jurassic Park. They loved that one too, but I was scared all over again. I've watched several other movies that I've enjoyed (I like to watch chick flicks when John is traveling!), but for some reason I cannot call a single one of them to mind. I'm almost forty. My memory isn't what it used to be!

Things like being outside in the sunshine! I've been getting a lot of outdoor exercise lately, thanks to a broken treadmill and some beautiful spring weather. I have a lovely farmer's tan on my arms and neck and some serious mileage in my log to prove that we've had an abundance of sunny days!

Things like laundry. It just never ends, does it?

You guys are sweet to miss me when I don't blog for a week. Thanks for your messages and thanks for making a girl feel loved!

What have y'all been up to lately?


  1. Do you really keep a mileage log of where and how long you hike?


  2. Glad you're feeling better. I don't like colds. Period. But especially when the weather is so nice.
    I woke early this morning and it was cloudy and raining, so I went back to bed! Got up and the sun was shining YAY!

  3. I love Karate Kid I & II (the originals)!! I'm very skeptical of the *new* far as I'm concerned, this new movie has big shoes to fill...hee hee

    Glad to hear you are feeling better..breathing is good! (Hopped over here from Carrie's.) :-)

  4. You know I'm with you on the 'solo-parenting' part. I really hate it this week!

    Glad you're feeling better!

  5. Love that you have a farmers tan. My feet all ready have flip-flop tan and I hate to admit the pride I have over it! I just love tanned feet....It means summer's almost here!

    Sorry you were sick! There is nothing that makes me more grateful for my health than after being sick!

  6. I just don't know if I can watch a Karate Kid re-make. We watched them a a few months ago. So much fun!!

  7. I'm glad you're feeling better!

    You've had a good mix of things keeping you busy!

  8. Catching up on my own laundry as we speak. And am...regrettably majorly behind on your blog (and everyone else's).
