Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A lotta schtuff

A lotta totally useless, random stuff.

Is "lotta" even a word? If you were a member of SBC Arkadelphia in, say October 2002, you might be grinning right now. Becky? Are you laughing with me?

Why can't I sleep past 5:30am lately? Why oh why oh why? At least I get lots of stuff accomplished while my kids are still sleeping.

They're on a late-late schedule. Sleeping late in the mornings and staying up way too late at night. I like the sleeping in part, but I'd prefer an earlier bedtime. Mainly so I can have control of the television remote. One can only take so much iCarly and Wizards of Waverly Place.

Is anyone else intrigued by all the college football conference shake-ups? I find it soooooooo interesting. Speaking of college football conferences, does anyone else remember this picture of the old Southwest Conference from back in the day? I think the A&M Aggie and the TCU Horned Frog are hysterical.

My girls spent EIGHT hours cleaning their room yesterday. EIGHT hours. It was a huge mess and I told them that I was not doing it for them this time. So they spent the majority of the day in their room coming up with reasons why the task was overwhelming for them. When they finally got serious about getting it done, it took them 35 minutes. The motivator? A trip to Coldstone for ice cream. Clearly, I'm not above bribery.

I thought I had a buy one get one free coupon for Coldstone but by the time I realized that I didn't, it was too late. There was no convincing them that a one dollar cone from McDonald's was just as good. At the exact moment the Coldstone cashier was swiping my debit card, I looked over at (nameless child) who was trying hard to hold back tears as they picked up the pieces of their red-velvet-cake-with-rainbow-sprinkles-in-a-waffle-bowl off of the floor. I bit my tongue and did what any good mom would do. I bought (nameless child) another one. That ended up being one very expensive ice cream outing. And would you believe (nameless child) dropped it again inside the back door when we got home? Drama.

Switching gears.

Sarah's one regret about camp last week was that she didn't buy this bible from the camp store. I'll refrain from giving you a list of all the thing she did buy. She has several Bibles, but evidently this is the cool one to have. Since it was only $3.50 and since she's been reading and journaling every night before bed, I ordered one for her. 
Me: Will, do you want one of these bibles too?
Will: No, mom. I already have a bible.
Me: I know, I just thought you might want one like this. It's an NIV. What translation is yours?
Will: (exasperated) I don't know, Mom. It's THE HOLY BIBLE!!! Isn't that all that matters? 
Cracked me up

My physical therapist is sending a report to my doctor suggesting she refer me to an orthopedist for further diagnostic testing. Turns out I might not have tendinitis after all, but possibly something more serious. UGH. I'm still sad and mad and disappointed by this injury. And I still can't walk without pain. 

I really, really want to paint my bedroom this week. And make a shower curtain for my bathroom. I don't know if any of that will happen or not but it's on my mental "fun" list. 

I think I've decided to go with tile in my kitchen. I had talked myself into a mid-to-high end wood laminate but after seeing all the smudges on the samples I had in my kitchen I decided my obsessive cleaning disorder wouldn't be able to live with that. I also need something that can handle the wet snow that gets tracked in for seven months out of the year. Yes, it will be cold (all the more reason to get some UGG slippers) and yes, I'll have to be careful about dropping things on it but I think it's the most practical choice for us. Now I'm just waiting on our friend (who specializes in tile flooring) to come give me an estimate. 

See? I told you. A whole lotta totally useless, random schtuff. I think I'll go eat some breakfast. And get a shower. And enjoy another summer day. We're going to see The Karate Kid with some friends later. Can't wait!


  1. I loved the tile we had in our Tucson house! It was easy to clean, and beautiful!

    I am so sorry to hear about your leg. Praying it's nothing serious.

    It's so fun to read these lots-a-shutoff posts, its like a chat over coffee. love that!

  2. The ice cream incident(s) sound just like one of my (nameless) children! Drives me nuts!

    I think you'll love your tile. We've always had tile and until I can get wood, I'm totally happy with it.

    We saw Karate Kid the other day. Jaden Smith is no Ralph Macchio, but he's pretty cute doing his karate moves.

    I don't have a bad knee, but the back problems I'm having can really bring me down, so I am hoping and praying your knee heals quickly and you get some good news soon!

  3. I like your random lists! And I'm praying for your injury to heal quickly and surely! Love you, friend.

  4. Oh, that Will… he cracks me up, haha!!! :)
    Hope you get to feeling better soon Mere and they figure out what’s going on!!

  5. I woke up at 5:30 this morning, too. It's amazing how much I got done. Love the quiet, though of course a little more sleep would've been nice!

    Our closest Coldstone is 45 minutes away, which is probably a good thing.

  6. Good info to let me know how to pray for you and yours.

  7. Aw, poor Ice Cream Dropper kiddo. Talk about having a bad day!
    I just got thru threatening Grace that if things don't get off her floor (once we get everything organized and out of boxes)it's going to Goodwill. I guess I should be like you and do the ice cream thing instead of threaten her (since I don't follow thru anyway, and she knows it!)

  8. As for the Uggs, have you seen the Acorn slippers at Sierra Trading Post? http://www.sierratradingpost.com/p/,64176_Acorn-Spa-Slip-Inn-Slippers-Australian-Sheepskin-For-Women.html

    I got them in the winter for about $33 when they had one of their many sales... Love, love, love them!

  9. I like your random posts too. I think they're fun. I'm so sorry about your hip. Especially for someone who loves to hike like you, its a real drag. I was just really starting to get into P90x when I broke my toe. :) You just realize how thankful you are to be "normal" when something like this happens!

  10. I just love a whole lotta random... isn't it amazing what bribery does? Your unnamed expensive ice cream eater sounds like someone I have living under my roof that just may or may not be 9 years old and a girl and a smile as big as Texas. . . Soooo, I know your feeling.

    Girl, I'm just so sorry about your injury. That STINKS!!! Praying you'll be as good as new soon!

  11. Justin & I have both laughed remembering Lotta! :)

    I think you will be happy w/tile floors. I love mine!

    previous posts...I tend to freak out when the living room gets filled w/all of Ethan's toys...As the younger sister falling asleep was always hard when she was gone. My mom would have to line up stuffed animals next to me!

  12. It's your bloggy, so "lotta" is a word if you want it to be. :)

    Dont you just lurve it when the kids are doing Bible study and journaling all on their own? Coulda knocked me down w/a feather the first time I saw that.
