Friday, July 16, 2010

Fun Mom Friday: Under the Stars

At the beginning of July I asked the kids if they'd like to sleep on the trampoline one night. They enthusiastically replied "YES!!!!!" and then they asked me if I'd join them. Without really thinking I said I would. But that night...and for many nights after rained. If it wasn't storming at bedtime, then we had chances of thunderstorms and at our altitude you don't mess around with lightning or the chance of lightning.

So we waited. And waited. And waited some more.

This week we finally had a night without rain or the chance of a storm in sight so we piled sleeping bags and blankets and pillows on the trampoline and spent the night under the stars.
(Had to have a little bedtime snack...and some dancing...before we settled in for the night. Smile.)
We even talked John into joining us! He and Abbey were the last two sleepyheads to come inside.

We did this the night before Sarah's birthday, hence the reason we were all up super early that morning.

Things we didn't factor into our plans for a good night's sleep:

  • Neighbors who think it's fun to set off firecrackers at 11:30pm on July 12.
  • The nearby train. Wow. It's much louder than I've ever realized.
  • Everyone rolls to the middle of the trampoline.
  • And you feel every movement every person makes.

Still, it was fun. The stuff memories are made of. Deep, contented sigh.

Be sure to visit here for more Fun Mom Friday ideas, or link up with one of your own!


  1. I LOVED sleeping on the trampoline as a kid. Our parents never slept out there with us though. I can still recall the smell of blankets damp from the dew.

  2. So fun! But I wouldn't do it in our yard - too many bats flying around. Your kids will always remember that night. Very cool.

  3. Meredith, I am saying this with all sincerity, you are one of the greatest Mom’s EVER, so fun, and the memories you are making with your kids with stick with them for a lifetime!!!

  4. That's awesome! What a fun night and wonderful memory.

  5. That is great! (if only we had a trampoline...) :)

  6. Hats off. I'll fingerpaint, play-doh, clay pots, even mud-running bikes but my sleep has been sacred. Way to go Mom. They'll always love this memory.

  7. I LOVE IT!!! I even knew what you were doing and it's even more fun looking than I expected!

  8. Very fun! I also have super fun memories of sleeping out on our trampoline as a kid, but I seem to remember it being followed by very early mornings...

    I bet your kids loved sharing this special thing with you!!

  9. Sweet times! Love all the pics and I'm sure your kids LOVED it!!!

  10. So very fun!!

    And I'm so jealous that you get to do that kind of stuff in the summer. You know, if I even attempted to herd everyone out for a night on the trampoline in July, we'd all be mosquito bait.

    Enjoy the last few days of summer! And your lack of bugs!!

  11. This is on our list to do this summer as well! Did you sleep in a tent to keep bugs away? You are such a cool, fun mom!

  12. That makes me tear up! I love it that you are willing to be uncomfortable (oh, how I love my sleep!) to make those kind of wonderful memories with your kids. I'm learning from you!

  13. i always wanted to sleep outside as kid, but was afraid of critters. cool idea to sleep on the trampoline!

  14. What a fabulous memory for you and your kids! I remember sleeping outside on our deck with my sister and my dog. Thunder started to roll in and our dog woke us up just in time!

  15. What a cool mom! They will never forget that special memory! We'll have to try that here. In October. I wouldn't want the pterodactyl size mosquitos to carry us away. :)

  16. That IS a cool mom adventure!

    DId you get cold with all the air coming up from under the trampoline?

    Love the pic of you with the kids. Your faces all look content and happy.

  17. Me and my kids also have done what you did and we also pitched our tent in the back yard for the kids to have some independant camping (w/o mom) but where I could still look out my bedrooom window to check on all the flashlight dancing going on. smile. so glad you enjoyed and I agree with all of your unespected results of group sleeping on the tramp. Since we're in the same vicinity we have also 'emjoyed' the late night firecrackers. smile!

  18. You are such a fun mom! Way to take one for the team & all sleep on the trampoline. I remember doing that once as a kid at my friends house. It was so uncomfortable & I think we went inside the house at 3 am!

  19. What a fun idea! When my youngest was about 5, he wanted to "camp out" in our station wagon.. so I slept out there with him one night... in the driveway!
    Then when NewEveryAM was in high school, I went w/both of them to Bear Island (you have to take a ferry to get there & there are no vehicles on the island) & camped in "pup tents" for one night. I am NOT a camper, but there was a meteor shower that night & no light was allowed on the beach because the sea turtles were laying eggs, so we laid on a blanket in the (very) dark & saw the most awesome heavenly show ever. Yep, those memories are priceless!

  20. How Awesome!!!! This looks like it was so fun. The pictures are great! You look beautiful and joyful! You really are such a fun mom.

  21. I'm with Amber - We'd be mosquito bait. My kids are begging me to go camping. I should have arrived a little earlier and just sent them with you while I was there visiting.

    PS - I would have stayed at the hotel.


  22. I was thinking about the 'rolling to the middle' while reading! How fun! I remember doing that on our 'antique' rectangular tramp. as a kid. Have I aged myself?

  23. What a great memory for your whole family!!

  24. Fun Mom Friday! What a GREAT idea! I might have to join in this week... if I can manage to be fun. :)

    And now I want to get a trampoline just so we can do this! You're the funnest, Mer.

  25. You're such a good mom. I don't give up my sleep very often. We have laid (lain?) out there to look at stars before, but always go in for bedtime. Maybe next meteor shower we'll follow your example and stay out all night!

  26. We used to LOVE sleeping out on our trampoline in Washington! I found it to be rather comfortable.

    Not sure I'd do it here many mosquitos and the possibility of bears!

  27. What a fun mom you are! I love this and know your kids will remember it as such a great memory.

  28. I'm wondering the same as some of the others: Y'all don't have mosquitos?!
