Sunday, August 08, 2010

Marking time...

It's been a year since my dad died. The actual "day" is tomorrow, the ninth, but it happened on a Sunday morning.

Some days I am fine.

Other days, not so much. My heart just hurts.

I was reminded of this photo a few weeks ago.
My friend, Amber, was visiting Whidbey Island with her family and sent me a message saying she passed the spot where a group of friends prayed for me last summer just days before my dad left this earth. I had hoped to be there with them on Whidbey but for a myriad of (providential) reasons I wasn't able to make the trip.

I sat and cried when they sent me this photo last year. I sat and cried again when I realized I had saved it to my computer. These friends are so dear to me.

I've received many emails and texts and letters this week from people telling me they're thinking of me and praying for me, and I'm grateful for each and every one of those notes and the kindness that prompted them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  1. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear father. I will be thinking of and praying for you, too. :)

  2. I can't imagine what you're feeling, Meredith, but know that I'm praying. My Mom always describes losing her parents as having a weird sense of not belonging to someone any longer. I'm not sure if that fits how you feel, but that always stuck with me. I know you've had a year of 'firsts' without your dad and I pray each one becomes easier over time. How wonderful to have friends that lift you up in prayer. I'm becoming more and more convinced there isn't much more valuable than that.

    Lifting you up!

  3. My heart goes out to you. Like you, I'm experiencing the first year of the grieving process of losing my dad.

  4. Meredith-I've never lost a parent, so can't completely relate to what you are feeling, but I have grieved and know the feeling of my heart hurting. I don't understand why the anniversaries are harder--but sometimes they are. So I pray for grace and peace and comfort for you this week.

    Don't avoid the grief, friend. Go there. Hugs.

  5. Mer... Praying for you during these days. I've gone through a regrieving process from time to time with both my parents. Praying for happy memories of time with your Dad to intermingle with the tears.

  6. Oh, Mere… I know there are never words that are quite adequate enough. Thinking of you!!

  7. I'm thinking about you and praying for you today, Mer. I hope it's a day filled with peace.

  8. honored times a million to be your friend. it's such a special thing to be part of a moment when the body of Christ works together the way it should.
    I know it's a rough anniversary. Will be holding you in prayer, my sweet friend.

  9. I'm behind on my blog reading so I'm just now seeing this...praying for you...

  10. oh mer! losing your father hurts so much. i lost mine 20 years ago and i still miss him. less, but still ....

    but you made my day with your photo of the gal in the whidbey sweatshirt and mention of whidbey. just got back from a weekend with hubby's family who live on whidbey island. hubby grew up there and boy has it changed. love that area!

  11. Meredith, my mom will be gone five years on August 31. Words just can't describe that depth of loss. I always tell people that being a young mom without a mom is one of the hardest things I've ever done. And there is just something about the anniversary. It's tough. Said a prayer for you. It does get easier. You never miss them any less, but the day to day... it does get easier.

  12. What a wonderful photo, and how wonderful to have such friends :) I'm so sorry for the loss of your dad. My mom has been gone eight years now, last month, and not a day goes by that I don't miss her. It does get better with time, but I still miss her bunches. Hang in there :)

  13. Wow... a year already. That picture is really touching, Mer. You are indeed blessed to have friends who care about you so. I'd keep this photo in a place where I'd see it and be reminded of God's providence, faithfulness and love, even in the midst of heart-breaking loss. Love you, friend.

  14. Love you like Reese's friend. You've been on my heart a lot.

    I sure remember that day, praying.

    And the subsequent phone call.

    And for being so grateful that you were home and not with us on the island. Even though I wanted so much for you to come. God is so good.
