Monday, November 01, 2010

A fun, full, and exhausting Halloweekend

Halloween movie party | Halloween tie-dye | Booing our neighbors | Sleeping in Saturday & Sunday | Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins | Friends | Hayride | Carnival at church | Sick child 100% better | Trick-or-Treating downtown | Dinner out with the family! | a Razorback win | Trick-or-Treating with friends | Fantasy football | PERFECT weather | An impromptu pizza party for six hungry, teenage boys | Not nearly enough rest, but LOADS of fun! | 


  1. Sounds like the PERFECT weekend!!!!! :)

  2. wow I'm tired just reading all the stuff you ended up doing this weekend.

  3. So So So cute. I love how Waldo is sort of hiding in the last one.

  4. Woooo pig sooie!
    And everything else sounds fun, too. :)

  5. I was a single red m&m in 6th grade. My mom made two huge red flat disc pillows with fabric and batting and then had white grosgrain ribbon across the shoulders for straps... a white felt "m" on the front. I LOVED it, so fun to wear.

    Glad she's better!!

  6. love the m and m's! So cute! Sounds like an awesome weekend!

  7. Won't say much for those boys, but those three girls are, well, shucks, simply beautiful.
