Monday, November 29, 2010

Home and Happy and FULL!

Good Monday morning! It's snowy and cold here this morning and I was thinking that a delayed start to our school day would have been a nice surprise. That didn't quite work out the way I'd hoped it would though. I am thankful for some snow--we're way behind snowfall totals for this time of year.

We drove in from Arkansas on Saturday. It was nice to have yesterday to get unpacked and caught up on rest...and laundry...before we entered into the craziness of this week. My week really isn't crazy, it's just pretty full. Full of good things.

We had a perfect visit with our families over Thanksgiving. We spent the first part of the week with my family and the second half with John's. We love them so much and hate that we live so far from them, but for now this place is home and I dearly love it. Sometimes I wonder if that might change one day...only God knows.

I always feel so torn when we go to Arkansas. On one hand we feel at home in that place and it would be wonderful to live close to our family and friends there, but we also love it here in Colorado and feel very much at home. As I was sitting in church yesterday (I love Advent) I was thinking about home and all that it encompasses and I guess I decided we have the best of both worlds. To feel at home in two places is a beautiful thing.

I have much more on my mind this morning but my to-do list is calling! I'll check back in soon and I hope to post some pictures! Happy Monday. Here's to a great week!


  1. I'm really glad you posted this. I(we) have felt torn about living where we are vs. living closer to family.
    The funny part is...we are 30 miles away from them! Not states and time zones away! Just 30 miles!
    Why do I always want something more...just a little tweaking and everything will be good.
    Again, thanks for putting this in perspective for me.

  2. I totally get what you said about feeling at home in more than one place. I feel torn, too, and it's strongest when we're traveling to/from our families.

  3. Know what you mean, Mer. After 10+ years, Arkadelphia has become home yet when visiting my VA facebook friends, I long to be back in VA.

  4. So glad you had a nice trip and made it home safely. So glad our Hogs did so well. I wish you could have made the game! That was one exciting one.

  5. I feel the same way when I'm in AR. So many good friends and wonderful memories...and then I come home to NC and fall in love with the changing leaves/true seasons.

