Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday Schmonday

I'm trying to muster up some enthusiasm to wish everyone a happy Monday. I don't know about you all, but I could have really used an extra day of weekend before Monday arrived chock full of activity.

Our weekend didn't feel anything like I hoped it would. In fact, I don't feel like I've had a restful weekend since before Thanksgiving. That's NOT typical for us and I think the disappointment, not to mention the exhaustion, is catching up with me.

I do see light at the end of the tunnel though. This is a short week for us and then our Christmas break begins. I'm trying not to fill our days with activity. We are all tired and in need of some serious rest.

Here's some of what we've been up to lately:

School projects. I am SO ready for this grading period to be over.

Extra-curricular activities. SO proud of Sarah and her Reader's Theater group for getting 3rd place at their competition on Saturday! 

Christmas shopping. I'm gleefully close to being finished!

Baking. Oh, wait. I haven't baked a single Christmas treat. Nope not one. Not yet anyway.

Enjoying friends. We got together with four other families for dinner last night and spent some time catching up. It was good. It was very, very good.

Enjoying each other. And laughing a lot. I don't know that we've done anything to make our kids love each other but they do. They get along well 95% of the time. They enjoy each other and (for now) they enjoy hanging out with their mom and dad. I love laughing with these people. In true John fashion, he had us all in stitches at lunch yesterday. I was feeling stressed about all that I had to do and grumpy that my Sunday wasn't feeling spacious. But laughing with my peeps? The stress melted away. Temporarily.

Waiting for it to snow. Seriously, this is the WEIRDEST December we've experienced in Colorado. We've had one "big" snow this entire season and by "big" I mean about 3-4 inches. It's just weird. I like snow in December! Today it's supposed to be 60 degrees. See? WEIRD. I hope that Mother Nature sends some soon or it will be a very dry summer in Colorado. 

Alrighty. I've got to run. My stressometer is revving up and I have lots to tackle today. Hope your Monday-Schmonday is a good one!


  1. We're having an easy Monday after a crazy week and weekend and two munchkins with the stomach bug yesterday. So glad for a surprise snow day to regroup and recover. :)

  2. Haven't baked a thing here yet, either.

    Maybe our locales flip-flopped, because we had a dusting of snow last weekend, and about an inch today. I can't remember ever having snow on the ground here before Christmas (and I've lived here my entire life!)

  3. We must have gotten your snow here in Ohio. A good 4 inches and that's a lot for us this early in the season. We typically get more accumulation, but mostly January thru March. I don't mind it in December, it's very Christmasy. Hope you can get your snow (and some rest) soon.

  4. It's 60 in Colorado and 18 here in Missouri? What is up with that?!?

    You'll have to share your secret of getting your kids to love their family. I want that kind of family for us as my kids grow up.

    I'm with you on the busy-ness of this December, especially this week. Once next Monday hits it's all quiet and relaxing but for now STRESSFUL!!!!

  5. Mer,

    Did you/John see Ann's beautiful review of Touching Wonder?! How exciting!

  6. My friend sent me a pic of her snowy world in Indiana. I loved it! I have to live vicariously through others :) And I'm still working on my 11 cans of pumpkin...5 to go...too bad everyone's sick of pumpkin...

  7. You're not going to believe this but WE woke up to a white blanketed backyard. US!!! What in the world?! I've got a gorgeous photo I'm gonna post after the kids are tucked in bed. Oh, school was canceled so we spent the day in jammies. I already know you're jealous. :)

  8. I.Know! Grace and I had to get out this afternoon. I didn't even think about the temp. Got our coats on and stepped outside and almost broke out into an instant sweat!
    I like it, but I'm like you, we need the moisture. I hear the farmers around here getting really concerned.
