Wednesday, January 12, 2011


A couple of years ago, just as summer was ending and school was beginning, I got a phone call from a dear friend informing me that another dear friend was fighting for his life after a terrible, terrible accident. The minutes and hours were critical, but during that time and the days and weeks that followed, literally hundreds of people were praying for my friend. He made a complete and full recovery and is living proof of the power of prayer.

Yesterday was an eerily similar, gut-wrenching day.

Right after Abbey left for school, I got an urgent email message from my friend, Janna, informing me that our sweet friend, Joanne, aka The Simple Wife, was fighting for her life as well. Joanne had a stroke yesterday morning while running on her treadmill. Upon arrival at the hospital, doctors found a blood clot in her brain and she had immediate surgery to dissolve it. She spent the night in ICU but is about to have more surgery to remove part of her skull to alleviate the swelling on her brain. You can read her husband's latest update here.

If you're the praying type, please pray for my sweet friend.

Please pray for her husband.

Please pray for her daughters. My heart is particularly heavy for them. Audrey and Emma are almost the same ages as Sarah and Abbey. Her youngest, Emma, is the one who found her mom unresponsive yesterday morning. She and Audrey had to be very brave and handle some very grown up matters and witness some very intense scenes yesterday. It simply breaks my heart.

Life is so very fragile.

And prayer is so very powerful.

Joanne's family has been reading the prayers and well-wishes that people are posting on her blog and on her Facebook page out loud to her, so post away if you'd like her to add yours. You can also help "wallpaper her room" with scripture.


  1. I have left my words of encouragement there for our dear friend. Although I've never met her, she has been a constant prayer warrior for me.

    Thanks for the link to Janna.

    Praying without ceasing...

  2. I thought of you yesterday, Meredith, because I knew you two were friends. I, ofcourse, only know her through blogging and twitter, but she has always been so sweet to me. I am praying of for healing and complete restoration. Those girls have been on my heart as well. I look at my own 2 and wonder how they would handle such a thing. Mind boggling.

    Continuing to pray.

  3. My father, at 58, just had a major stroke two and a half months ago. I will keep this family in my prayers. Prayer was the biggest encouragement our family has and continues to receive.

  4. This is so scary. I've been praying since I heard last night.

  5. Left a word of encouragement on Janna's site. I can identify having gone through a similar experience with my Dad's stroke.

  6. I've been so sad for Joanne and her family ever since I read this on Janna's blog. I don't personally know Joanne (or Janna for that matter...or you, Mer) although I read all your blogs and love them. Joanne has e-mailed me before and she is so very sweet. I also have two of her books and she is a gifted author. I've learned so much from her wisdom.

  7. I feel like the person that commented above.....I also don't know Joanne personally or you but I read your blogs.....and also love them.

    I read about Joanne this morning when I checked her blog and have been praying ever since. I also left a verse on Janna's blog that she will print and take to her at the hospital.

    Much love to you and thank you for posting.


  8. I have been praying. I read it on Beth Moore's blog. Joanne is how I found you. I will keep praying for them.

  9. I read Joanne's blog daily and love her humor and love for God. I can't get over how a 38 year old- in shape- mommy has a stroke. I've been praying for her all day and thinking about her.

    Keep us posted.
    Kelly in Michigan

  10. I am so sorry to hear of your friend. Joanne and her family are in my thoughts and prayers.
