Monday, January 03, 2011

One more day of break...

I absolutely love that our district doesn't resume class until the Tuesday after New Year's Day.

That means that today is our last day of our holiday break. Sadly, John had to go back to work today but his last words to me this morning were "Mer, this is the kids' last day of break. Take it easy and be lazy."

Well, okay then. Permission to laze around? I'll take it.

We do have to get out and run a few errands...and write some thank you notes...and some friends invited us over to try out their new Kinect, but other than that we have little else on the agenda and that makes me happy.

Know what else makes me happy?

I won my fantasy football league's championship!!! I was SO jazzed last evening when my final matchup ended because I was playing for the championship and I clinched it!!! I had a great roster (I let the computer auto-draft my team and I ended up with some of the best players in the NFL) and honestly, I haven't enjoyed something that much in a long time. It was crazy fun! I think my husband might be glad it's over because all I've done every Sunday afternoon for the last few months is sit on the couch and switch back and forth between NFL RedZone and whatever games I'm most interested in watching.

Here are a few more pics from our time in Winter Park.

John and I want to take our kids skiing one or two more times before the season is over so they don't forget what they learned. Thankfully, lift tickets are MUCH less expensive in January/February/March than they are the week between Christmas and New Years. 

Sledding on the hill outside our condo. The snow was almost too deep for sledding!

It was SUPER cold the last two days we were there. The actual temperature on the day we went tubing was -5. That might not have been our smartest decision but we enjoyed it nonetheless. We took breaks and followed up our tubing adventure with some Starbucks. That warmed us right up!

My sister in law bought party hats and horns for the kids on New Year's Eve. They entertained us with song and dance and poetry readings. I don't think any of us made it to the stroke of midnight though. 
I don't know if this video clip will work or not, but it's Sarah performing one of the selections from her Reader's Theater group. I tried to upload more videos but this is the only one that would load. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. Aw man! My kids don't go back till Thursday. I'm guessing you can tell how I feel about that! ha!

  2. How fun! Love all the pics! Enjoy the last day of break!! :)

  3. Every one of your kids is just gorgeous. It looks like you guys had a wonderful holiday break together. Hope we actually get to meet face to face in 2011!

  4. That Harry Potter hat of John's cracks me up every.single.time.

    Hope you enjoyed your lazy day!!

  5. Hope you all had a great last day of holiday/vacation and enjoyed being lazy! I bet the Kinect is fun, let us know what you guys thought and what games you played :) We only have a Wii, but we've looked at getting an Xbox too, lol!

    Congrats on your fantasy football championship! That's awesome! I've played for 6 years in our family league and never come close, so winning your first time out is wonderful!

    The pictures are great, looks like you all had a blast! Happy New Year!

  6. Glad you had fun in WP. Eric never made it to Keystone because of that crazy snowstorm! =(

    Happy new year!

  7. Looks and sounds like you guys had an awesome time. A few more ski trips in the upcoming months sounds super!

  8. great pictures, Meredith! I really want to go tubing one must be fun if -5 didn't spoil it. Happy New Year!

  9. At least 5 below kept the crowds away, right?!
