Monday, February 07, 2011

Show of Hands

Last week my friend, Angie, posted a super cute Valentine craft idea for kids.

Let me back up a minute and tell you about Angie. She lives a little north of me and we met a couple of years ago at a luncheon at Joanne's house. Angie is adorable! She's smart, creative, and absolutely HILARIOUS. I wish she lived closer to me because I love her and her neopolitan kiddos. (She's had another baby since that neopolitan post...hmmmmmm...wonder what color hair Chloe has?)


Angie's Valentine craft? Soooo cute!!!!

On one of our snow days last week the girls and I followed her tutorial for  I Love You shrinky dink necklaces. Who doesn't love shrinky dinks?

Didn't they turn out cute? Abbey made hers into a necklace (simply slide a ribbon or cord through the space under the folded fingers) and Sarah just wanted to keep hers as is. Angie's tutorial is super helpful. We made ours with some #6 plastic I'd been saving for homemade shrinky dinks. Here's a link with directions for that as well.

I think I'm going to do this with Abbey's class for Valentines Day. I volunteered at school one day last week (and I have a new appreciation for teachers who stand on their feet and talk to kids for seven hours a, that completely wiped me out!). Since I was there all day, I collected the tops of the salad clamshells at lunch which are #6 plastic. Woohoo! I love free craft supplies!

You've probably figured out by now that when you fold the middle and ring fingers of your hand down, that's sign language for I love you. If you don't already read Kristen's blog (Kristen is Joanne's sister), then you absolutely must go read this post right now. It's about her hands, and it's beautiful. 

Thank you, Angie, for sharing your fabulous idea!


  1. Oh! Well hello! Thanks, Mer. You say such nice things about me, I'm blushing! Your girls' necklaces turned out darling and I'm so glad you tried it. And I'm oh-so-glad you posted this and linked to my blog today of all days. What a lovely post for people to see on their first visit to my blog. ;)

    Love ya!

  2. So cute.....yes...we LOVE shrinky dinks, too! :) Maybe my girl and I will try this today since she is home. Thanks for the idea.
    PS....yes....the post about Joanne's hands....made me teary.

  3. Sooo cute! And what a wonderful statement for a mom to wear knowing her child made that for her!

  4. I love it! I can't wait to do this with my kids. After I saw it on Angie's blog, I went out and BOUGHT supplies ;) Get this ... we've never made shrinky dinks. My kids didn't even know what they were. Anyway, Emma wants to make them for her class. Crossing my fingers ...

  5. That really is a fun little craft. Carson and I got a little crafty today and made V-Day cards for his preschool teachers. It was fun. :)

  6. How fun!! What a great little craft to make with kids. Question: how do you know if you have #6 plastic?

  7. So cute! Now I'm kicking myself for throwing away the plastic containers that sat on top of my fridge for months waiting for us to make shrinky dinks. Sigh. Guess it's time to buy strawberries!

  8. CUTE craft idea!
    So whatcha going to use the clamshell tops for? What is plastic #6. I know I should know, but I'm not sure. Recyclable?
