Monday, March 14, 2011

Hmmmm, how about a list?

I have what seems like a million things going on my head at any given moment. Lists keep me sane. Lists keep me organized and on track. Lists make me happy. So a list it is for today. A random, discombobulated list.

1. I have lots I've been wanting to blog about lately but NO TIME!

2. My week is shaping up to be a busy one. Same song second verse.

3. Next week is S-P-R-I-N-G-B-R-E-A-K!!! Hooray. I can endure the busy week knowing that next week is fairly uneventful.

4. Springing forward is harder for me on Monday than it is on Sunday. Definitely fighting the urge to nap right now.

5. My sister is in the hospital. Her appendix ruptured last week. I feel so bad that I can't be there to help her with her little guy. He's six months old and she's been in the hospital since last Wednesday. Thankfully my mom and her mother-in-law have stepped in, but man oh man, sometimes I hate living far away from my family. She's doing okay. Hopefully she'll get to go home tomorrow. Hopefully.

6. I know Lent began last week but I finally got around to making our crown of thorns centerpiece over the weekend. I think it turned out pretty good. Here's a link with directions if you're interested in making one. I think I used more toothpicks last year...and I think it looks better with more! Oh well. It's a nice conversation piece for the season.

7. I finally bought The Pioneer Woman's Cookbook and OH MY GOSH. I've already made a few recipes from it and am certain that was money well spent. Anyway, here's a picture of the potato-leek pizza which was out of this world delicious. The only good thing about John being out of town last week was that the leftovers were all mine!

8. Two of my peeps have birthdays next week. Abbey will be NINE and John will be forty-something on Tuesday. Abbey is having a "spa party". She knows exactly what she wants (and what she doesn't) and we spent the majority of yesterday afternoon planning the games and food and making invitations. She's excited. I'm not really a good "birthday party" mom. I do it because I love my kids but not because it's my favorite thing in the world. That's blatantly honest.

9. Did you know today is Pi day? Yep. It's 3.14 so I think I'm going to swing by the VI for a P on my way home from carpool duty. "VI for a P" is our family's way of saying we're going to Village Inn for a Pie. Cherry is our favorite. I'm not a good pie-maker, nor do I have time to pull that off today so to the Village Inn it is. And guess what??? Blue Bell ice cream debuts in Colorado today. TODAY! What a perfect complement to Pi Day. :)

10. Did you know that my husband is listy too. Here are the lists he left taped to the back door before he left town last week.
I had to get the dictionary out to look up "ebullient". He's a good man and I'm super thankful he's mine...and super thankful that he's not traveling this week!!!

Peace out, peeps.


  1. If you desire a change of pie, I heartily recommend the Peanut Butter Creme or the Sour Cream and Raisin Pies at VI. I quit doing lists, they'd disappear and end up being an art drawing for one of the boys.

  2. Love, LOVE the signs! He is most definitely a keeper (of course, you knew that)!

  3. My mind thinks in lists. Love the cookbook too! PW is awesome. And those notes from your hubby...fabulous!

  4. I was saying bad words by the time I braided my crown last year, so I skipped it this year. Ha, ha! Maybe in 2012.

    Love John's notes and jealous that you have Village Inn. We had them here when I was a kid but they disappeared in the early 80's. Used to love all the flavored syrups on the table.

  5. What a great daddy! I'm so glad you took a picture. Your kids will appreciate it one day.

  6. Mer! I LOVE those lists. What a guy! And you ARE hot! :)

    I spied "Be Sweet" at the end of each note. Is that his "thing"? We say that to the kids every time they go to school in the morning or we leave them here with a babysitter. My mom did the same for us when we were growing up. I love it!

  7. 1.That centerpiece is amazing.
    2.The pizza looks fantastic.
    3.Your hubby is tooooo sweet.
    4.I hope your peeps have a wonderful birthday.

  8. Love the sweet notes from John. What a treasure.
