Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Saturday Morning Ritual

Saturday mornings are one of my favorite times of the week.

It's really the only day I get to sleep in, and I try try try to make it past 7am. Sometimes I succeed (like this morning--hooray!) and sometimes my internal clock (or my bladder) doesn't get the memo.

My Saturday morning ritual goes something like this:

Wake up
Walk into the kitchen
Say good morning to John (who has been up since 5am)
Pour a cup of coffee (that John made at 5am)
Walk back to my bedroom
Get back in my warm, comfy bed
Get more coffee
Get back in bed
Catch up on email (I got my inbox completely emptied this morning!)
Work on my bible study (I usually end up doing all my homework on Saturdays and Sundays)
Get back up and eat breakfast. John is the Saturday chef around here.
And sometimes, if I have a leisurely day ahead, I get BACK in bed and repeat it all over again. Decadent!

No other morning of my week is quite as blissful as Saturday. That's probably why it's my favorite and why I complain when my Saturday mornings feel rushed and full and indistinguishable from M, T, W, Th, F, and Sun.

Do you have a Saturday morning ritual? Do tell.

PS: I just re-read this post and the part about trying to sleep past 7am cracks me up. Makes me feel old that sleeping past 7am is such an accomplishment.


  1. That sounds like a heavenly ritual! I'm in bed surfing right now, and can smell the coffee that Corey has made downstairs. That's the good stuff...the bad part is that I'm about to have to get up, get dressed and ready, and start doing house chores! :) Oh well, at least I will feel better when I can see the results of my work!

    Hope you have a wonderful Saturday!!! :)

  2. Your day sounds wonderful!!! I woke up at 5:45 (bladder!) but went back to sleep until 8:45 and it was lovely. I love Saturday a.m. and I'm like you, I do not like having anything scheduled on Saturdays. Enjoy your day!!

  3. yes the 7 am had me smiling too. i try, try, try to make it up before 10 am every day. but could easily sleep till noon any day of the week.

  4. That sounds amazing, Mer. Can I come to the Blase retreat center? :)

    I don't have a Saturday morning ritual. Maybe once the kids are a little older. This morning Gary let me sleep in since I'm feeling c-r-u-m-m-y, so that was a treat. The idea of going back to bed sounds really nice!

    A Saturday chef would be pretty nice too. You have it made, girl!

  5. Mer,

    Sorry to add an e-mail to your clean inbox. =) I started keeping mine empty almost a year ago, and it's a great feeling!

    We have zero Saturday rituals. I also consider it an accomplish to sleep past 7. Every Saturday looks different around here, especially during hunting season, when Eric is gone every Saturday for at least the morning!

  6. No Saturday ritual here either. It usually includes a game of some sort for Ian. It's also when we supposedly do our weekly chores. Yeah, that is not working well...still not done today. We are definitely slower on Saturday and that feels good.

    Your morning sounds divine. Wish I could join you. (except that would be really weird.) :0)

  7. That sounds about like my morning with my mom here! Except Andy didn't make breakfast. Heh.

  8. I don't have much of a routine, but I do looove sleeping "late" (7:30--sometimes even 8!!)
    And your sunglasses pic made me laugh--I pulled mine out of my purse yesterday to find one arm (?) gone.
    Are you really going to go get a mammo every year? I've had one, but skipped last year.

  9. Perfect Saturday it. We are now on spring break....and so happy for "sleep in" days ahead. Just like you....7:00 would be nice.

  10. That's my typical morning routine everyday.
    Oh, wait, I'm dreaming again. :)

    I love your Saturday special. Especially that you get back into bed. Makes me smile.

  11. That's my kind of Saturday morning. Our husband's seem to have the same internal clock. Dave is up and at 'em and has the coffee made for me, too. On occasion he is still home when I get out of bed. Ha!
