Wednesday, April 20, 2011


We had the day off from school today because there was a tanker on the railroad tracks close to our house that was leaking hydrochloric acid. YIKES! The neighborhood next to ours was evacuated early this morning, and when I say early, I'm talking get called out of bed, gather everything you might need for 48 hours including your pets, and be out of the house in twenty minutes. We were on standby (all of us had packed a bag except John) to evacuate for most of the morning and early afternoon until the crew from Texas (Texas???) arrived and began cleaning things up. Fun times I tell ya.

John was scheduled to go in to the office for a while this morning. He worked from home instead, and I was very glad because this morning they were telling residents of our 'hood that if we left we wouldn't be allowed to return for 48 hours. 

Needless to say it's been an exciting day!

Lots of friends WERE evacuated and displaced from their homes today but as I'm writing this, the evacuation order has been lifted and they're settling back into the beds they were so groggily ejected from this morning. I'm so happy for them. They've had a LONG, EXHAUSTING day!

We had literally dozens of voice messages, texts, call, and offers of lodging from sweet friends. That was such a blessing, but the bigger blessing was that we got to stay in our home! It was sorta like a snow day without the snow. Sorta. But not really. It was a weird day that I couldn't let end without documenting on "the blog".

John worked all day but the kids and I ended up having a pretty lazy day which we really needed. I also got some REALLY GOOD NEWS that I'd been praying and hoping for. I will share all of that tomorrow! It deserves it's own blog post.

So peace out, peeps!

PS: I still haven't called the dentist about my tooth. I hate the dentist.

PSS: I have a hair appointment tomorrow. I was willing to risk not being allowed to re-enter the neighborhood in order to keep that appointment. Thank goodness I don't have to make that call now.


  1. wow, that sounds like a really bizarre experience! So glad you were able to stay in your home.... and as a teacher, frankly, I'll take almost any excuse for a "snow day." :)

    Hope the hair appointment is LOVELY. :)

  2. Wow! Never a dull moment! Glad that things are back to normal now...and that you got to enjoy a lazy day at home yesterday! :)

  3. Yea let it henceforth be known that nothing, including hazardous material road closures shall inhibit thee from getting thyself to hairapy. Signed, this 21st day of the 4th month of the 2011th year of our Lord.


  4. Yay for "home" days.....glad your neighborhood wasn't evacuated.

    Can't wait to read about your good news....that makes me happy.

    Oh....I don't like dentistry issues and would be putting off that appt., too!!!

  5. I'll try to make it back for the REALLY GOOD NEWS! ...before 3 months goes by.;)

  6. Crazy, no? My sister was one of those people evacuated in the early morning hours (with 2 sleeping toddlers and a newborn). She called me at 8:00 AM Minnesota time, at which point I knew something was up.

    I haven't heard from her today. I hope she's back in her house. And I'm glad all is well with you.

    Good news? I'm a'waiting.

  7. Crazy!!! I need a relaxing day :)

    (but in order to get it someone would have to pick up my kids up in the morning and not return them till bedtime so I'm thinkin' it's not gonna happen - lol)

  8. Ditto your opinion of the dentist and hair appointment. I would rather have another c-section than go to the dentist. Cancel a hair appointment? Not many things would be worthy of that.


  9. That's some crazy stuff! When we lived in student housing at JBU another student hit and ran over a gas thing and we all had to evacuate. It was kind of scary, but a little funny too. Maybe someday you'll laugh about it?
