Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pippi-style and the royal wedding

When my children were smaller I was very good about writing down the funny things they'd say. I've slacked off on that over the years but these two things are things I want to remember and since my blog is the closest thing to scrapbooking that I do these days, this is the perfect place to "write" it.

I took the girls to Colorado Springs to see a local production of Pippi Longstocking last night. It was VERY cute! When Abbey woke up this morning she told me (in a highly exasperated voice) that she TRIED to sleep Pippi-style last night--feet on your pillow, head at the foot of the bed--but that sleeping that way was IMPOSSIBLE. Cracked me up. 

About a month ago, when all the William and Kate wedding hype began I asked the girls if they wanted to see the royal wedding. I told them all about watching the wedding of Charles and Diana when I was a young girl and how exciting an event such as this would be. I went on and on and on until they mustered up some enthusiasm and agreed to watch it with me. I told them we might have to get up really early to see it on television. Abbey looked me square in the eye and said, "What? You mean we have to watch it on the stinkin' TV? I thought you meant we were GOING TO THE ROYAL WEDDING." That girl is a keeper!


  1. N1 has been reading Pippi Longstocking and picked that movie for our next family movie night - it's the one that I watched as a kid so I'm excited that she's into it. : )

  2. I love that they had to work up enthusiasm to GO TO the royal wedding. Hee hee. Gee, Mer, you couldn't score 3 invitations?

  3. okay, that is hilarious! She IS a keeper ;-)

  4. So funny!

    The main reason I'm even thinking about watching some of the wedding is that my mom told me she got up in the middle of the night to watch Diana's wedding when I was little.

  5. I got the giggles over what your sweet girls said! Funny girls!

    ~ Ali

  6. I will be watching the Royal wedding....from my home :)

    This is random....but my kids call my husband's dad...Pippi instead of grandpa or papa...not sure why. I don't think they have ever watched the real "Pippi".....but I did as a kid. Do you remember the series with the dubbed voices? Loved that show!

  7. You make me laugh. You're a keeper, too!

  8. I will be up watching the wedding right along with you! Just tell the girls that they can probably see better watching it on TV anyway! :)

  9. Oops Meredith...the above comment was from me, but I was still signed in as Christian. :)

  10. kids do say some funny stuff! your girls are definitely keepers in my book! (along with your son.) I'm thinking about watching the wedding with Aspen...but I don't think she will remember it.

  11. So, did y'all get up and watch the wedding this morning? I did and I am dragging and it's only 11a!

  12. I started reading PL to Madeline and didn't get very far... need to pick it back up again! Love Abbey. LOL.
