Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday Confessions II

1. I have never been so ready for a month to end. April was full of so many hard things and I spent a lot of it in a funk. The good news is that May begins tomorrow! I love turning the calendar to a brand new page. 

2. I had absolutely NO idea that Kate Middleton's sister was named Pippa when I titled my last post. I had NO idea the number of hits my blog would receive because of it either. Wow.

3. I watched a ton of royal wedding coverage and loved every single minute of it. I slept until 5am so I missed the actual wedding ceremony but saw the procession to Buckingham palace and everything after that. We don't have a DVR but I was able to find enough coverage yesterday afternoon to satisfy my curiosity. The girls loved it too!

4. I felt guilty enjoying the pageantry of the royal wedding knowing that many friends in the South were facing a much more stark reality. The tornados and the flooding have taken so much from so many...and it simply breaks my heart.

5. I went to Will's track meet on Thursday afternoon and realized after I'd parked my van that I was at the WRONG school. UGH. I'd looked up directions to Challenger Middle school earlier that morning and saw that it was on Lexington and thought I knew how to get there because we've had events at that school before. When I pulled in the parking lot I noticed the sign said Mountain Ridge Middle school. John was already there (and wondering why he couldn't find Will or any of teammates at the track meet going on there.)  Duh! I felt so stupid. My girls and their friends who were with us were laughing so hard at my goof-up! In my defense, BOTH schools are on Lexington and are less than 2 miles apart! I bet I'll never confuse Challenger and Mountain Ridge middle schools again.

6. I am tired of wearing sweaters. And jackets. And winter coats. I nearly froze at that track meet and I've worn a sweater almost every day this week. Tomorrow is MAY for crying out loud. We have had plenty of nice days though so I really should not complain.

7. I was way more excited than I should have been about a television show  giddy last night when I realized that this season of Friday Night Lights is available on Comcast On Demand. We've missed the first three episodes (because we don't have a DVR!) but now we can catch up! You do know that is our favorite show on television, right?

8. I mentioned in confession #1 that I've been in a funk. I feel like I'm slowly emerging from it, but I also feel like I'm emerging with my eyes wide open. Some of the hard things from April that I alluded to have caused me to examine my priorities and all the different things that I put my time and energy into. I'll be honest, I didn't like everything I saw. I'm making some positive changes but I'm a little fearful too because it means stepping away from what is familiar and comfortable. Change is good, but change is 
oh-so hard.


  1. change IS hard--so true!
    we are so very tired of the snow as well. :( we were hit with a decent storm last night (decent for nearly MAY!) and still have lots of snow this morning to deal with. fortunately, the sun is shining so i'm hoping it will all melt by afternoon!

  2. we froze at ian's 8 am soccer game today! still warming up. It's coming though...any day now...spring will stay.

    I hate funks. I hate hard times. But boy, do they make us grow...thanking God that He is a Redeemer who will and is redeeming your hard stuff for eternal Good.

  3. Facing change is SO hard. Contemplating moving 1,000 miles away to be with extended family, but I would miss my momma so much. And fall leaves. And Trader Joe's ( I know you could sympathize with THAT, lol). And less money, smaller house, yadda, yadda. Such a hard choice but we feel it in our souls that we need to be there. I hope your May is better than your April.

  4. i hate that this was the last season of friday night lights. yet another great show off the air. not much left for me to watch. come on mad men!

  5. Hmmmm...we have Time Warner. Wonder if Friday Night Lights is on there? I have always wanted to try that show!

  6. I'm SO thankful for my DVR, I'm able to watch shows during nap time that my husband doesn't want to watch in the evenings. I'm in a funk too...I'm hoping to get out soon!

  7. I had a feeling that we were going to have a cool, wet spring because of such a dry winter. I am hoping things get warmer after tomorrow and was so glad to hear on the news that Colorado Springs is not supposed to get too much snow tomorrow. My daughter goes to Challenger and was in the meet this past Thursday and I probably saw your son run or does he do field events. We actually live across the street from Mountain Ridge, but our kids have gone to Challenger. I hope you have a great May! I know warm weather is just around the corner for us!

  8. COOL, Wendy!
    He actually runs (400 meter relay and the 800 meter) AND this time he did the triple jump as well!

  9. Yep, I watched both of those races for the boys because we knew most of the guys running them. One of these days, you and I will probably run into each other. Have a great Sunday Meredith!

  10. Glad you are feeling better. Happy May! I put a lot of my sweaters today and would have worn them every day, too!


  11. Meredith...I have been AWOL lately in the blogging world. I was in a funk in April, too! Crazy times. But I am just now checking up on everyone and I just saw that you had a cancer scare!! Yikes! I am soooo glad you are okay! Sending you lots of love and hugs and hoping May is going to be warm and wonderful for you! xoxo

  12. I am starting to ask myself questions like "is this eternal? will this matter to God? will this matter in 20 years? do I want to be doing this if Jesus comes back tomorrow?" yes, some of these questions may be a little harsh (do I want to be reading this book, watching this movie if Jesus comes in 15 minutes?), but sometimes I'm an all or nothing kind of girl and I need that. Here's hoping we are done with coats (I have one in track and one in baseball) and on to sunnier, warmer days. this always helps!

  13. I dread the end of the precious, heartwrenching winsomeness of FNL. I tried to get every person I know hooked on the show in hopes of "saving" it, but I guess it didn't work...and now everyone is furious w/me for getting them hooked on a show that got cancelled. The things we'll do for love :).
    oh and AMEN! to #8.
