Today, however, I woke up feeling bloggy instead of blahgy. Yay! Here's some of what we've been up to.
It's officially SUMMER at mi casa. We're only a few days into it, but so far it's been good!!!
Will finished middle school last week. In a few short months, he will be a freshman in high school. That's hard to wrap my mind around! He had a pretty big week last week. He was confirmed at our church (that's another blog post that I want to write this week) and then he "graduated" from 8th grade. John took him and some of his best buds to Elitch Gardens last weekend to celebrate. He had a blast and it was a fun way for him to kick off the summer!
I keep saying it's summer but our weather hasn't gotten that memo. We've had a few nice days mixed in with some cold, rainy weather. It even snowed (briefly) one day last week! It was in the 40s yesterday so we stayed home and cleaned out closets. I hadn't packed away the kids' winter clothes so we tackled that and deep-cleaned everyone's bedrooms. I love starting summer with a clean/purged house. The girls' room was a DISASTER. I don't know about your kids but those girls of mine are packrats. I ended up with two huge trashbags of stuff after tackling their room. I save very little and I'm definitely not a clutter person. I'm at a loss as to how to help them tame the mess monster...I'm just hoping and praying they outgrow the need to save every piece of paper and craft they've ever made.
We're going to watch the Thunderbirds with some friends later. Today is the US Air Force graduation and the Thunderbirds always perform after the ceremony. We're going to pack lunch, secure a good viewing spot, and just enjoy. We usually get to watch them practice for a few days before graduation (they fly right over our house!) but the weather has been so weird lately that they haven't been out as much. I never get tired of watching's seriously one of my favorite things about living here!
Okay, changing subjects. I'm on a super restricted diet right now because of a recurrent health issue. I quit drinking coffee (cold turkey--yikes!) and am feeling much MUCH better. I also cut out all sugar (this temporarily includes fruit), white flour, gluten, dairy, fermented products, starchy veggies, and artificial sweeteners. I was desperate for relief and after talking to a lady at my health food store I followed her diet recommendations and did all this cold turkey. I don't recommend that. I've had to figure out exactly what I COULD eat on the fly. I've sorta found my groove now (today is Day 12) and am feeling fantastic! It took a while though; last week was R-O-U-G-H. I can basically eat veggies, meat, eggs, almonds, quinoa, and brown rice. I have almost two weeks under my belt and need to go about two more after that and then re-introduce things back into my diet gradually. It's basically a cleanse for a yucky infection that isn't pleasant to talk about. The good news is that my symptoms disappeared almost immediately once I eliminated all those foods! If you're just dying to know more, email me and I'll give you the lowdown.
Alrighty. This is longer than I expected so I'm signing off for now. Happy Hump Day, peeps.