Friday, June 17, 2011


I took Will and Sarah to get their hair cut yesterday. It was a long overdue cut for both of them!

Sarah has been asking for awhile if she could get feathers in her hair. Is that the trend where YOU live? 

When we walked in the salon and saw the advertisement for them, the begging and the sad puppy eyes began. I said "yes"--partly to make my daughter happy, partly because I think they're kinda cute, and partly because they were actually quite inexpensive. 
Honestly, I say "no" a lot with my kids. No to certain movies and media and clothing styles that are ever-so-popular with their friends, and no to certain activities that I just don't think are wholesome or appropriate. I LOVE being able to say YES.

Doesn't that smile say it all?

PS: Sarah had a FANTASTIC time at camp! She's been so sweet since she got home too. She brought her little sister a special gift from the camp store (it was something Abbey had really wanted) and was SO excited to give it to her. 

She told me she couldn't find something at the camp store that she was really looking for--a copy of My Utmost for His Highest. Evidently, her uber-cool camp counselor uses that book for a daily devotional and Sarah wanted to give it a go as well. I laughed because we have that book on a shelf downstairs. John helped her find it and she read about two sentences before deciding it wasn't really what she was hoping. I took her yesterday to the bookstore and we picked out a very hip, teen devotional that she's much more pleased with! Yay!


  1. Meredith, your kids are just precious!! :)

  2. Okay, so I JUST saw these feathers for the first time this week. My husband's cousin in Louisiana got them, along with some colored tinsel streaks (???) and sent me a picture because I had no idea what they were. Sarah looks so happy to have them.

  3. So what exactly are feathers? Is it coloring or is there something braided into her hair? It looks cute either way. : )

  4. The feather trend hasn't hit the mountains of NC yet, but it looks adorable in your daugther's hair! =)

  5. I just saw a sign for those at a salon in my tiny po-dunk town. I had no idea it could be so cute. Not what I was picturing at all.

  6. at first I thought you meant farrah fawcett feathers...ha ha!

  7. The first time I heard of it, I envisioned them clipped to the hair in the style of a roach clip from the 80's! The current feather style is adorable, though! I love, love, love reading about your sweet kiddos.

  8. Jenny wants to dye the tips of her perfect, glorious, I'd-pay-to-have-her-color hair. I don't get it. ;P

    BUT, I know what you mean about saying "yes". Love it.

  9. Me too, to Frat Pack and Jennifer, and yes, they are definitely the trend here. My daughters haven't asked for them yet--I'm so slow to even take them for hair cuts they're happy when I even do that!

  10. Sweet friend, You have single-handedly given me the best solution to my tweenage dilemma.

    The Girl has been asking for a blue streak in her hair for about two years now...I was putting my foot down but this summer she has been WEARING ME OUT, with the hinting and I was seriously considering it, even though it is totally not what I want for her.

    I had never heard of feathers, but this is the perfect alternative, and I've already looked up a salon nearby that has them! Yippee!

  11. The feathers seem to be the hottest thing since sliced bread here in IL too. I was apprhensive about the hot pink ones my daughter picked, but am pleased to report they faded significantly after several shampoos...They honestly are soo cute, and what a great compromise right?

  12. Never heard of feathers but they are cute! I say no a lot too, for the same reasons. YAY for a yes!!!

  13. I do think the feathers are cute. My parents always said that there was enough they were going to have to say no to in raising us that they would say yes to everything they could. We got to jump on the bed, had a trapeze in the hallway, etc. but on the important things that were really going to shape who we became, they said no and that meant no. Kelly
