Thursday, June 16, 2011

I like to share!

I want to share a few links today!

I'm always on the lookout for fun summer boredom busters and I love these ideas:

Liquid sidewalk chalk. My friend, Kendra, made this with her boys and now I'm dying to try it too!

Design-Your-Own-Sprinklers. I saw this link on my BlogHer sidebar the other day. WAY fun!

Rainbow cookies. This is right up my girls' alley.


We bought a new grill a couple of months ago and are enjoying it SO much. Here are two yummy recipes for grilled chicken:

Chicken Bryan (like at Carrabbas). Delicious and decadent.

Mexican Chicken Salad (it's rare for me to find a recipe I don't have to alter with all of my current dietary restrictions but this one fits the bill!)


My husband has been consumed with a book project for a really long time. Things are finally wrapping up for the book's release this fall. John posted the video trailer on his blog yesterday if you want to take a peek. It's good--really really good! (And it's only 1.5 minutes long.)

Also, he wrote about shopping for swimsuits with our girls last week. It's a very sweet post. Maybe one of my very favorites. My girls are so lucky to have him as their daddy, and I am so very grateful for the way he loves our three children.

Happy clicking!


  1. LOVE Chicken Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  2. thanks for sharing the link to the sprinklers! what a great surprise!

  3. I LOVE the rainbow cookie and sidewalk chalk idea. My girls will love those cookies. Thanks for the links.

  4. Great links, Mer!

    We just got a new grill too and I was just thinking that I needed to find some good grill recipes. Thanks for getting me started.

    And I can't wait to try the rainbow cookies! I've got to go see if I can find those food colors!

  5. Enjoyed reading John's post and watching the trailer--I think you're both gifted with words, and I'm glad to be a reader.

  6. Love these links and can't wait to try them out. Thanks for sharing them!

  7. Catching up on some posts I'd missed. Your husband writing about the swimsuit shopping . . . wow . . . that's a great dad! Kelly
