Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5 minute post

I'm giving myself five minutes to write a post. In other words, expect a lot of rambling!

My dermatology appointment went well yesterday. I had him look at six spots/moles that were worrying me. He said all of them were normal and looked fine, including the age spot on my face! He said my skin looked great (yay!) but that my arms and shoulders were way too brown (I knew that was coming). I asked how often I should come back for a full-body check and he said every 3-4 years! Great news. I feel so much better knowing things are okay. After my breast lump scare this spring, I don't ever want to take my health for granted!

We are experiencing what the meteorologists here call the monsoon season. We've had rain and thunderstorms almost every day for a week. I LOVE it. I especially love the moisture and how it cools everything off in the afternoons. The only thing I really don't like is that it usually continues raining through dinnertime and that has forced me to cook inside versus grilling! I made this last night and it was delicious. (I'm still avoiding sugar but I figured 1.5 tsp of honey wouldn't hurt!)

Speaking of avoiding sugar, I found a soda that I can drink! Thanks, mom! It's Zevia and it tastes pretty good if you're feeling deprived! It's sweetened with stevia instead of sugar or artificial sweeteners (which I'm also avoiding these days because even though they're calorie-free, they exacerbate my symptoms).

Okay...that was more like 8 minutes. Sorry about that. Happy Tuesday. The kids and I are off to hike with some neighborhood friends and John is taking Jack to the vet to get his nails clipped and his rear end "massaged". John definitely got the short end of the stick.


  1. The rain messed up my grilling plans last night but I'm not complaining because we've needed it. So I waited until it slowed to a drizzle and grilled anyway. :) Supper was late and I got a little wet in the process, but my pork chops were good if I do say so myself.

    I just drank my last Coke (again) last night so your Zevia announcement could not have come at a better time! I'm going to make a special trip to Fresh Market and give it a try. What flavors have you tried and do you have a favorite? Keeping in mind that I may have a slight addiction to Coke and Dr. P and I do not drink Pepsi. Ever.

  2. Happy to hear about the good report from the derm!

  3. I'm so glad the skin doc said your skin is healthy and well!! What a relief for you.

    This weather has been strange. I compared it to the monsoon season we experienced in Korea, too, but didn't know the weather men were saying the same thing. It sure is pretty, though, what with all the green around!

  4. I need to go back and read about your sugar avoidence stuff. I started (yet again) about 2.5 weeks ago (yes, I'm counting) and I just went through "Made to Crave" by Lysa TerKeist. I love that book. But last night I was pacing around because I was craving sweets so bad. :-( Darn.

  5. Enjoy the monsoon....we are about to start doing rain dances around here!

  6. Even in 5 minutes, err 8 minutes, you manage to make me smile!

  7. that recipe looked very good and so I made it tonight! It did not disappoint...we all loved it!!! Thanks for introducing me to a new food blog too!

  8. You need to find a covered area for your grill so you can still use it in the rain! :-)

    I like Zevia, too, as an option to sugar. I also make Celestial Seasonings peach tea and sweetened it with Stevia. Yummy!

  9. I would encourage you to get a full body check every year. There are so many areas on our bodies that we can't see ourselves or don't think to check and it's a small price to pay for some peace of mind. Need to check out that soda!

  10. I have also tried Blue Sky Free sweetened with Stevia and like it--I get it at Natural Grocers.

    I just got back from vacation and need to detox from all the C**p I ate/drank!!

    Hope to see you soon!

  11. I just die laughing every time you talk about massaging your dog's butt. Every time.

    I need to go to the derm. too - I have some moles I'm concerned about. Thanks for reminding me, because I seem to shove that one waaay into the depths of my brain.
