Monday, August 22, 2011

The End

Today is officially our last day of summer. School starts tomorrow and my heart is a little sad about it. I love summer and it's unstructured days so much. But I also love structure, so I have a feeling that the rhythm of the school week will probably lure me in quickly. The kids are excited about starting back; I'm just a few (reluctant) steps behind them.

Our last few weeks have been packed with as much summer fun as we could manage: swimming, spending time with friends, hiking, sleepovers, camping (in the backyard), trips to the North Pole and Elitch Gardens, and a neighborhood (outdoor) movie night. And so much more. We've tried to cross as many things off of our summer list as we could!

I'm sad to see summer end but new beginnings are exciting too. Farewell Summer 2011. Here's to a fabulous fall.


  1. Well, it's no wonder you are always out way earlier than us. We don't go back until the first.
    If you lived near me, I would invite you to the first day of school coffee date with me and the other moms in the area, but since you don't, you'll have to go with out me.
    Enjoy the quiet!

  2. our school schedule won't start until after labor since Chels is coming home stay!!! We figured our summer ending last Friday when the pool closed. :(
    I do love the fall however. Enjoy your school year!
    ot--I'm assuming the fire near the Academy is contained or out?

  3. I'm giving us through Labor Day weekend to work on our summer list because we still have more that I really wanted to cross off. This was our first year to do that and it was fun!

    Our first day of school went off well. I'm like you. I hate to see summer end, but I'm ready for a little more structure certainty!

  4. Oh! Its so hard when it ends! But it looks like your summer was a goof one... and, I know its what kids do, but your girls have really grown!

  5. Wow! Who's the tall guy in the t-shirt?? Your Will is really looking old! Is he taller than you? Beautiful family, Mer.

  6. Great pics! I am sad about school starting, too... but we are still enjoying summer afternoons once school is out! What do you have on tap this fall?

  7. Looks like you had a great summer, too, Meredith. I was sad to see my kids go back to school but find myself enjoying my time! Hope your fall is just as fun!
