Sunday, November 27, 2011

Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five. Twenty-Six. Twenty-Seven.

I am doing a poor job of blogging lately. Sorry!!! I keep finding things I'd rather be doing but I still have so many things I want to give thanks for!

#22 I am thankful for family! I am so blessed to be a part of a big family and I am so blessed to be a part of John's family too! It was a little sad not to spend Thanksgiving in Arkansas and we definitely missed seeing all of those that we love, but we were deeply thankful for a week of rest and relaxation at home.

#23 I am thankful for perspective. A friend told me last week that her cancer is back--her brain cancer. Understandably she's not doing so well. Another friend is watching her marriage crumble before her very eyes and struggling to understand how this could be happening to her. It's sad and gut-wrenching and I feel so helpless. All the things in my life that seem difficult don't even register on the scale compared to these two. Perspective makes gratitude easier. Much easier.

#24 I am thankful that my sister taught me how to make homemade cranberry sauce last year. Oh my word. It's delicious and easy-peasy and was a great addition to our turkey dinner on Thursday. I was also grateful that I could share a delicious meal with my family (and some yummy desserts with friends) and grateful for a pre-meal hike with my husband!

#25 I am thankful for my wonderful neighbors! I've told y'all before (many, many times) how much we love our neighborhood and it's all because of the people we call neighbors. They're the kind of folks who will watch your dog when you're out of town or will let you borrow a cup of sugar when you're in the middle of baking cookies or will shovel your driveway for you when your husband is out of town or will take you Black Friday shopping and make it so much fun that you forget how tired you are! They've become dear friends to us in the time we have lived here and I'm quite certain that they will all be our friends for LIFE! We are so blessed by them.

#26 I am thankful for a fun day with my family. Yesterday we trekked up to Denver for some shopping at our favorite mall. We didn't end up buying a single thing (except lunch!) but it was fun and I think John and I have a very good idea of what our kids need/want for Christmas. We came home for a couple of hours and I managed to squeeze in a most wonderful nap before we headed down to meet some friends at the Broadmoor hotel for their Christmas tree lighting ceremony. It was GORGEOUS but it was so so so so so so cold! I loved the heat lamps scattered all around the grounds! I really should have taken pictures of the gingerbread houses made by the hotel chefs and of the ice sculptures. I think our family has a new tradition!

#27 I am thankful for my church family! 
I was sitting in church this morning and started looking at all the people around me and I really just felt grateful for the way that the lives of those people overlap with ours and grateful for a shared faith in Christ. Today was the first Sunday of Advent and I'm grateful for this season that quiets our hearts and minds and helps us focus on the meaning of this holiday season.

Happy Sunday, y'all. And GO BRONCOS!


  1. Great family photo. I love Advent!

  2. I love that picture of your sweet family! So good.

  3. Love this!!! :) And oh my word, what a game that was, GOOOO Broncos!!!!! :)

  4. enjoying reading your thankfuls! And what a cute family picture, your kids are getting so big! It seems to just happen over night...
