Friday, December 02, 2011


I flipped my calendar to December yesterday--a happy thing for me. I'm determined to have a stellar attitude about this wonderful, fun, activity-filled month! The kids get out of school for Christmas much later than they ever have and so our weekends are packed with activity, and if you've read this blog for any length of time you probably know how I feel about weekends that leave no room for rest. I'm going to stay positive though...I think I can I think I can I think I can. Smile.

I've got some scattered thoughts in my head this morning. Lucky you.

I think I have a sensitivity to gluten. I eliminated a whole bunch of things from my diet back in May, including gluten. I've added everything back at this point with no problem except for gluten. It just makes me feel YUCK! Things flared up for me over Thanksgiving break so I eliminated it again and felt 100% better until yesterday when I ate something with regular flour in it. I guess I'm going to join the ranks of gluten-free friends. Will you please leave me a comment if you're gluten-free? I'd like to have some people to dialogue with and share recipes!

You know yesterday when I mentioned that we had to have our heater repaired this week? Yeah. We found a leaky pipe in our basement yesterday afternoon and had to have that repaired as well. It's been a costly week for home repairs. Sigh. Seems like something big either breaks or needs to be replaced at our house every year in December. Last year it was our refrigerator. Again though, I'm thankful we had the money to take care of things, thankful things are working now, and thankful things weren't worse!

The only reason I have time to blog this morning is because our schools are on a two-hour delay. We had snow and icy roads yesterday and things are still slick this morning. My kids are still sleeping--hallelujah!!! They are so wiped by the time Friday rolls around. This extra sleeping time is a gift for them. (And it would have been for me too if the text message relaying the delay hadn't woken me up at 4:24AM! Drat!)

Oh oh oh! Remember that earring I thought I lost at Kohl's last month? I was sitting in the pick up line at school one day this week and decided it was time to clean all the trash out of my van. I reached down in the door pocket to grab some trash and something caught my eye. I might have squealed when I realized it was my earring! I'm sure the lady in customer service at Kohl's will be relieved to know I found it. I've checked the lost and found there um, several times lately. It's always the same employee and she always looks at me with a sad and slightly annoyed face and says, "Sorry, no earring has been turned in." 

I thought of several other things earlier that I wanted to mention but now I'm drawing a blank. I should probably get up and get moving though. Two-hour delays are great but that means fewer hours in my day to get all my Friday things finished up! Happy weekend, peeps!



  2. My mom went gluten-free a few months ago and it has changed her life. She's testing me next. She's gotten educated about it and started teaching her hormone patients and I think it's SO interesting, but I'd be SO sad to give up those foods. She said it isn't even hard b/c she feels so much better. But it's pricey-a specialty gluten-free bakery in downtown LR sells loaves of bread for $16!

    I lost my favorite gloves once and found them a month later laying behind the counter at a gas station!

  3. I'm not gluten-free, but I've been experimenting a lot with it for my son because he has Asperger's and is helped a little by being casein free. I make a lot of my GF items homemade because the store-bought ones tend to have a lot of soy ingredients which I try to avoid when possible, especially for my son because of its estrogen properties.

    It takes a lot of experimenting to find what you like, but there's some really good recipes out there. And check your ethnic grocery stores for cheaper ingredients. White rice flour is much cheaper at the Indian grocer and coconut milk and coconut flour is cheaper at the Asian grocer. :-)

  4. My 8-year-old son just got diagnosed with gluten sensitivity. I am feeling quite overwhelmed about what this involves!!! I would welcome any advice !!!!!!


  5. Here's a blog I really enjoy with many gluten free recipes

  6. While I'm sad for you to have to go gluten free, I'm so happy that you were able to determine that's what causes problems.
    Yay for finding your earring! Nothing like cleaning out the car ;) At least it was an excuse to revisit Kohls!

  7. I've been gluten free for eight years. (Diagnosed with Celiacs). It's so much easier now than it was then. The web is so full of helpful information and so many blogs devoted completely to GF recipes and tips. Stay focused on what you can eat! That's the best piece of advice I was given :) Watch amazon sales for GF products. When they go on sale they're really a great deal - especially if you have the free shipping deal.

    One thing I can NOT find is GF white corn meal. I want to make your grandma's cornbread, but the only corn meal I can find here is processed in a plant that processes wheat :(

  8. I couldn't figure out what blog you looked at! (My personal blog does have a few GF recipes - but it's just a little family blog - and it's private). But then I realized what blog it is. That's a bunch of gals from our church who do that - and yes there are some fabulous recipes on there - but not necessarily GF :)
