Friday, March 23, 2012

Super Quick Friday Five

1. I am so sick of posting nothing but lists on my blog. But I'm soooooooooo uninspired lately. Ugh.

2. In regard to the post I wrote yesterday...believe me when I say I KNOW I am incredibly blessed.

3. Believe me when I also say that we are not perfect and neither is our marriage. We are a work in progress.

4. I have been to the grocery store every single day this week. And I have to go back again today for a few more things I forgot. Have you seen my brain? Maybe it's hiding out with my motivation and my creativity.

5. Less than four hours until SPRING BREAK begins. You have no idea how close I am to collapsing in an exhausted heap. This week has kicked my tail, but the end is in sight! Happy weekend, y'all!