I only have a few minutes before I have to wake Abbey up and get her off to school but wanted to pop in and say post something on this neglected blog.
It's Monday. Sometimes I like Mondays, sometimes I don't. I'm choosing to embrace this particular Monday and hoping that it brings with it fresh start for the week ahead.
Our weekend was really nice. It was a good mix of busy and restful which is how I like to roll. We woke up on Sunday to several inches of snow and it continued off and on throughout the day. It's a good thing we haven't packed away our boots and coats because we needed them yesterday! Back to flip-flops tomorrow though--just the way I like it! And by the way, most of the snow has already melted. What's left will be gone today or tomorrow.
Sarah's big news from the weekend is that her sweet daddy bought her tickets to a One Direction concert in Denver in July 2013. Twenty-thirteen. I sure hope she still likes One Direction when the concert finally rolls around. For now though, she's thrilled. She is slightly obsessed with One Direction at the moment. John texted me while I was at Costco on Saturday and told me I would have the pleasure of accompanying her next summer. Woohoo! (I think!)(The last concert I went to was sooooo loud and I ended up leaving early.)
Will had a track meet on Saturday and afterwards he worked on making food packets to be sent to Haiti. He is required to earn five community service hours each semester so he knocked out about half of them on Saturday at a non-profit center in Co Springs. I love that our district makes community service a requirement for students. I think it's very important to get kids thinking beyond themselves and to encourage them to be civic-minded.
Today is my designated domestic day. I have big plans to clean and organize, and work on a couple of small projects I've been putting off. I have high hopes for what I want to accomplish today, so I bid you farewell and hope your Monday is off to a great start!
"required to earn five community service hours each semester" WHAT AN AWESOME IDEA! EVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT SHOULD DO THIS!