Tuesday, December 04, 2012

December Currents

Current reading list: I have a pile of books stacked beside my bed that includes Room, Touching Wonder (I think everyone needs to read this book written by my amazing husband), Parenting Teens With Love and Logic, and Daring Greatly which John added to my stack last night.

Current playlist: Christmas music of all kinds! Some of my favorite albums include Glory in the Highest, Jim BrickmanPoint of Grace, Glee Christmas, Bebo Norman, and Daniel Renstrom. My all time favorite (contemporary) Christmas song is Welcome to our World by Chris Rice. 

Current food: I can't get enough buffalo wings or red meat these days. I really have odd food cravings huh? 

Current wish list: New slippers for Christmas! Are you reading this, John???? 

Current need: I need for all the candy cane Hershey kisses to disappear from my house because I can't quit eating them. Not to worry--I've almost polished off the entire bag that I bought yesterday. I also need to finish decorating for Christmas! And I really need to find some (free) pinecones. That shouldn't be too hard considering where I live, right?  

Current triumph: I logged 100.8 trail miles in November--that's two back-to-back months of 100+ miles! 

Current annoyance: Facebook. If I didn't have to be on there for work purposes, I would permanently delete my account. 

Current addiction: Ummmm, the aforementioned candy cane kisses. I'm also still addicted to shellac on my nails; I'm tough on my nails but that stuff is TOUGHER and I love it.

Current blessing: Family!

Current outfit: I'm still in my workout clothes from my pre-dawn walk but today is feeling like a jeans and sweater kind of day.  

Current excitement: I have something fun and festive planned with Sarah and Abbey on Friday! Also looking forward to a few Christmas parties with friends and to our church's Advent soup suppers and services. 

Current to-do's: Get my Christmas cards ordered, get crafty (I have some small gifts to make), and finish Christmas shopping, but I doubt any of that will happen today. Today is a work day. Sigh.

Current favorite stuff: our Advent wreath and eating dinner by candlelight this month, our Christmas tree, and pretty much everything about this time (minus the busyness and the crowds!)


  1. Yes, Touching Wonder is our go-to devotional/advent book for the 3rd year in a row. We love it!

  2. Just saw on Amazon that Glee Karaoke for the wii is $4.99!! I know how you love Glee! Merry Christmas!

  3. Eating dinner by candlelight. We need to do that! Thanks for the idea, friend!
