Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday thoughts and random photos

It was a tough weekend.

The news out of Connecticut has been almost too much to bear.
In fact, when the news began showing photos of the children who were killed it was too much. We had to turn the television off.

We also learned over the weekend that a couple of dear friends unexpectedly lost people who were dear them.

Things have felt so heavy; my tears have fallen so easily and my grief is deep.

I was caught off guard by lines from Christmas carols a few times. Words like these from Away in a Manger: "Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, and fit us for heaven to live with Thee there".

And these:  "God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay, remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas day. To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray, Oh tidings of comfort and joy...."

I'm hoping and praying that today is the beginning of a brighter week.

I'm very thankful that this week is feeling way less full for me. I actually have a few catch-up dates with friends on the calendar. HALLELUJAH! It's a busy week for my kids though...Will and Sarah have finals and Abbey is wrapping up some academic stuff as well. Their last day is Thursday and everyone around here is so so so so so so so so so ready for Christmas break.

How about a little random catch up via a few iPhone photos? (Please note that word 'random' in bold print.)

Sarah chose to take Ceramics as one of her electives this semester and has made some amazing pieces! She's a super creative girl and it's been fun to see the work she brings home from class. I love that she has one "easy" class in her schedule since she tends to be a bit of a braniac. We're so proud of her for that but I love seeing her nurture her creative side.  This was her seasonal twist on the clay whistle they made in class. Rudolph's snout is the whistle and it really works! LOVE it.

I don't know who to credit for decorating this tree at the top of the Incline but I LOVE it. So cheery and fun. And we won't talk about the nasty tumble I took on my way down Barr Trail. It was my worst one yet. Yuck.
We had a blast of Arctic air blow in a week or so ago. It was brutal after the unusually mild weather we'd been having and it was a very real reminder of what winter feels like. It takes a lot for my morning walking posse to be deterred, though I admit to always being the one trying to talk everyone into staying in bed. I snapped this screenshot before our walk one morning last week where yet again I wasn't persuasive enough to keep everyone in their warm beds. In case you're wondering, 0 degrees is freakin' cold and yes, we realize we are slightly crazy. Crazy, but committed.

Besides, if we didn't brave the cold we'd miss seeing sunrises like this. I don't know about you, but I hate to miss a beautiful sunrise.
I'll leave you with a photo of Jack-the-beloved-beagle. I think he's happiest when we're all at home with him and he's snoozing in contented peace. Wouldn't you agree?
Have a great Monday, everyone!


  1. Wow, that sunrise! What a glorious gift!!

  2. That sunrise is AMAZING. Makes me miss Colorado. I couldn't watch the news this weekend was just too much.

  3. I admire you being able to go ahead and get out there at 0 degrees. I'm a weenie. I refuse to do it!
