Sunday, March 03, 2013


I'm feeling confessional today...

1. I am a BIG FAT BABY when my husband is out of town. He's been gone for a few days and I thought this particular trip was going to be a breeze because the kids had a long weekend and we could just stay home and relax. Wrong. My kids had SO much going on and my days (and nights) were spent shuttling them hither and yon. It's been nuts and I've complained more than a time or two. John gets home later today and all will be right in my world again. We are just better together.

2. I had to give myself some grace on my "7" clothes fast the other day. I threw most of my seven things into the washer the night before and completely forgot about them until the next morning when it was time to get dressed. It's not really possible to wear wet clothes so I had to don some non-sanctioned items for a day. Good thing I gave up on legalism a long time ago. 

3. I sometimes avoid people in the grocery store. Yesterday I was in a huge hurry to finish shopping before picking up one of my children and in case you didn't know, Saturday morning is pretty much social hour at the grocery store. I love my small town and I'm definitely a social person but after stopping to chat with a friend in the produce section and again by the deli, I knew I couldn't spare the time to stop again. So I did something contrary to my nature and avoided the aisle where I saw a friend. Gosh. I feel guilty all over again now.

4. I talk way too much. A friend came by to drop something off yesterday and I talked her head off and kept her WAY too long. She will likely now be the one avoiding ME at the grocery store. Ha!

5. I slept in my workout clothes so I could stay in bed until the last possible moment before getting up to walk this morning. The irony is that my body clock and my alarm don't always work in sync and I woke up an hour before my alarm and couldn't fall back asleep. The joke was on me.

Happy Sunday, y'all.

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