Sunday, April 14, 2013


This world lost a beautiful soul a few days ago. Brennan Manning, a dearly loved friend of my husband and a spiritual mentor to many is now in heaven with his Abba. 

Brennan inspired me. He didn't have his act together; in fact, he painfully struggled with alcoholism his entire life. But he didn't believe that for God to love and accept and even to use him that he had to have things all tidied up. He simply believed that God loved him as he was, not as he should be. And he believed it deeply and fiercely!

I attended a conference this weekend that reiterated that message of God's unconditional love and acceptance of us (grace!) to my weary heart. Ironic? I don't think so. I think God works like that. 

If you have a few minutes to watch this short video, I think you will be blessed by Brennan's words. Like I said, he believed them fiercely...and my hope and prayer is that you and I will too.


  1. Beautiful, Mer! Such a powerful message ... God loves us, accepts us and can even use us before we get it all together.

  2. I love this! I learned of his death when John tweeted about it. I loved his books and his testimony, which opened my eyes to not only God's grace but to grace that is even extending to my family members struggling with addiction. They are no less forgiven. His words were life-changing for me.

  3. I did not know that Brennan Manning had passed away. His words and books have had a huge impact on my life!
