Monday, April 08, 2013

SMP 4.8.13 (with pictures!)

SMP = Seven Minute Post

Good Monday morning!

Hope you all had a nice weekend. Ours was BUSY. I say all the time that I don't like that sort of pace on weekends but honestly, sometimes as hard as we try it can't be avoided.

Friday night and Saturday, John and I attended a marriage conference. SO good. John is collaborating with the speakers on a book and it's important for him to hear the material they're presenting in their words/their voice and so I got to tag along because duh--it's about marriage! It's the same one we went to in February but this one had a different focus--communication--and while I think John and I are good communicators, I actually learned a few things that I want to work on improving. Even after almost twenty-three years of marriage, we're still learning....

Will also had a lacrosse game (they won!) and Abbey had two parties to go to. One was a birthday party and the other one was a really fun direct sales party--Origami Owl. CUTE stuff. Kinda pricey for kids but she used some of her birthday money to build a necklace. She's working on a group project for science fair and we had to get that finished up for later this week. Whew! It was just a full weekend which happens to be sandwiched in between two very busy weeks. I'm teetering on the edge of complaining. Not there yet, but inching closer while trying to stay positive.

Here are a bunch of pics from my phone that I don't think I've posted anywhere. MOM, these are for you! (Smile!)
Sarah got glasses last month--now ALL FIVE of us are bespectacled. She wanted "nerd" glasses. They're actually really cute on her but she doesn't wear too often. Grrrrrr.
 The matching outfits for Abbey and her doll were birthday gifts. They're so cute!
 I cracked up last weekend when I realized John and Will were BOTH wearing gingham shirts and khaki shorts on the same day. Handsome men aren't they? the car...the place I spend an obscene number of hours each week. I'm actually thankful I get to be the one driving them around. Sometimes. 


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