Thursday, May 09, 2013

May Currents

Current Read: More or Less. This book is very much along the lines of 7 but I think I like it better. I'm reading it slowly, not by choice but because I've got a lot on my plate right now and most of my reading time is short snatches in the carpool line but this book draws me in and I'm sad when I have to close the cover!

Current Playlist: I downloaded this song after we sang it in church on Sunday and it's getting a lot of playtime. So is this. I made a new worship playlist last week and it's been my go-to playlist of late.

Current Color: Pink for my toes and green for my clothes! (A rhyme!)

Current Drink: Lots of coffee and lots of water, though I have been experimenting a bit with some almond milk smoothies. I usually use yogurt as a base for my smoothies, but my dairy issues have forced me to find an alternative and almond milk seems to be perfect for me.

Current Food: I've been craving strawberries--and the ones I've bought lately have been SO good. I'm also craving mexican food. 

Current Favorite Favorite: Google Drive for document sharing/editing. I LOVE Google Drive!

Current Wish List: A nap! A maid! More hours in my day!

Current Need: Well, this sounds so shallow but I need to buy some cute closed toe shoes to wear to a golf tournament this month. Flip flops/sandals aren't allowed on the golf course and all my other shoes are clunky clogs that don't really go with capris. The author of the book I mentioned above would call this a "Rich Person Problem" and I agree.

Current Triumph: I slept until 5:20 this morning. Considering I've been waking up when the hour hand is on the 4, that's a triumph! I still woke up before my alarm went off so there's room for even greater triumph. Smile.

Current Annoyance: People who are never wrong.

Current Indulgence: 20 minutes a day of complete silence. My brain and body need this and I've been trying to incorporate it into my afternoon. No iPhone, no music, no books, no computer, NO stimulation of any sort. Just me, myself, and I sitting still and quiet for twenty minutes. It's wonderful. And restorative. And I'm finding it to be a crucial part of my day.

Current Mood: Happy and ready to start this day!

Current Blessing: I've had some big decisions to make lately and seeing God's hand in each of those decisions--during the entire process--has been a huge blessing. I feel such peace! Hope to share more soon.

Current Outfit: Jeans, t-shirt, cardigan. Trying to decide between flip flops or clogs. Hmmmmm. Maybe  boots!

Current Excitement: The weekend is getting closer! I have some fun plans and am also hoping to get caught up on some much-needed rest. 

Current Project: Our Young Life area has two HUGE fundraisers in May that are pretty consuming as far as work and projects go. I am so looking forward to June and some down time!

Current plans for the day: Work. Make dinner (roasted chicken, roasted potatoes, sauteed squash--YUM!). Laundry. Carpool. Lather, rinse, repeat. 

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