Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I asked John and the kids to write me a letter for Mother's Day this year. I really didn't need anything and I think the day is a bit over-hyped so a simple letter was my request. And sure enough, there were four envelopes on the kitchen table yesterday morning. They were each sweet in their own way...but Sarah's letter kinda took the cake. I asked her if I could share part of it and she agreed. So here ya go...

So, I know you like to make lists so I decided to make a list of things I love about you. 
1. You ALWAYS drive/pick me up from school.
2. You get us Starbucks/McDonald's/In the Moo
3. You take care of yourself and your body.
4. You have the peppiest attitude EVERY DAY. 
5. You make DELICIOUS food for dinner.
6. You take us to the POOL which is the best.
7. You have a GREAT relationship with Daddy.
8. You are SUPER creative.
9. You have a sense of style and don't wear mom jeans.
10. You are SMART. You can't do my math but you know how to find typos and you have good common sense. 

Isn't that A-W-E-S-O-M-E? She knows me well. I love the part about mom jeans and not being able to do her math. Later in her letter she gives me props for being OCD, loving to hike, and eating "suppa" healthy (which makes the part about me taking my kids to McDonald's pretty comical, but TRUE!)

Anyway, yesterday was a great day. In fact, the whole weekend was great. They took me out to dinner, did my grocery shopping, cleaned my filthy van, and let me rest!!! Oh, and they took me to buy some shoes. I picked these--and love them! But I love my peeps MORE! So thankful for a wonderful weekend with them. It is such a privilege to be Will, Sarah, and Abbey's mom and to parent them together with John. I am truly blessed.

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