Friday, May 03, 2013

My Friday Five

1. I'm giving myself the gift of sanity and getting away to hike with a friend this morning even though I have a huge amount of work/home stuff that needed to get done yesterday. This crazy push to the end of May is making it harder and harder to fit hiking in but I'm determined because, like I said, it's necessary for my sanity.

2. Speaking of sanity, when my life is crazy-busy (and even when it's not) the TWO domestic duties that keep my home functioning smoothly are meals and laundry. If I can stay on top of those two things on a daily basis then I feel like I can keep some semblance of order and around here. I'm on my dinner game these days, but laundry? Oy! All I can say is that my husband is awesome! He's the best washer/drier/folder/putter-awayer there is! And no, he's not for hire.

3. I am crazy about the man I am married to. Seriously. I love him so much. I don't know the secret to a happy marriage but I'm thankful beyond belief that our relationship is what it is. It hasn't been without bumps and bruises along the way but we seem to be in a pretty sweet spot right now and we both thank God for that...often.

4. A friend offered me some of these nuts while at her house last week and I've been craving them ever since. I finally remembered to buy fresh rosemary and I made them yesterday. They are TASTY! I totally swiped her photo off of Facebook but trust NEED to make these.

Instructions: Warm cashews in 350 degree oven until just beginning to brown. Mix all other ingredients and toss with warm nuts. **I only had 1/2 lb of cashews so I just halved this. Don't use dried rosemary--go for the fresh delicious and your house will smell great while you're chopping it. I seriously can't quit eating these.

5. I can't think of anything else now that I have cashews on my mind! Happy Friday, y'all. Enjoy your weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could get some rosemary to you...I cringe when someone says they bought some! I have it out the wazoo, so much that I cut back a garden cart full at least a couple times a year & put it on our burn pile! Must try this recipe!
