Tuesday, May 28, 2013

News and Pictures and Links, Oh My!

It's officially summer at my house. My kiddos finished up last Thursday and we've enjoyed a nice long string of unstructured days. I adore summer and it's unhurried pace. It is without a doubt my favorite season of the year.

So...to quickly catch you up on what's been going on around here...
1. My big huge work fundraiser (golf tournament) is behind me and was a big success and I'm starting to feel sane again.
2. I have one more coming up this week but my part in this one is (thankfully) much less hands-on.
3. I haven't mentioned this before now, but one of my dearest friends is moving out of state and I had a few different chances to spend time with her and her family last week. It was a happy-sad week. I am going to miss her so much...
4. Another school year is in the books. HOORAY! Here are two pics I snapped on the last day. 

These two finished their finals around lunchtime so I took them out to eat. They were both in a terrific mood. There's something about the last day of school that just makes everyone HAPPY!
I sent Abbey to school in shorts on the last day of school and the actual high temperature didn't climb out of the 40s that day. It was c-c-cold! I came home from running errands and traded my flip flops for boots and took Abbey some long pants to wear for recess but got there too late and discovered that she'd made it just fine in her shorts. She reminded me later that she's tough. And she's right. She IS!

Here are some other pics I found on my phone. Just be glad I spared you all the "selfies" that my kids take of themselves.
This just makes my heart smile. Please ignore the yard work that hasn't yet happened in our yard. Things are just now greening up in our part of Colorado.
John and I took our houseguest, Flat Stanley, up the Incline with us a couple of weeks ago. He loved it. Really. 
I went again by myself a few days later and snapped this picture on the way back down Barr Trail. I seriously LOVE Colorado. The brilliant blue sky against the green tree line takes my breath away most days...

I have some links to share too...mainly just random stuff...which seems to fit in with the theme of this post, huh?

In the post below this one, I wrote about John and I meeting an author we love then catching up with each other over mexican food. Yeah, well...
I'm married to a writer who makes things sound so much better when HE writes about the same thing.

I finally caved and joined the Instagram craze. I'm learning my way around and need to get better at taking pics but it seems fun! Find me if you want to follow along: meredithblase

My sweet and talented friend, Allison, wrote a book that was published this spring. It is a children's book--In the Hall of the Mountain King--based on a Henrik Ibsen play and set to a piece of classical music. It's beautiful and interactive book and would make a perfect gift for children and/or music lovers in your life! I am so happy for and so proud of my friend.

Have any of you ever used Annie Sloan Chalk Paint? I have a project I want to tackle soon and am curious about this paint. Pinterest and Google make it sound awesome, but I'd love to hear from someone with personal experience.

John is reading this book right now and I'm DYING for him to finish (and for my work stuff to wrap up) so I can read it too. It's been on my list since my friend, April, mentioned it to me earlier this spring but John keeps sharing bits and pieces and I am even more curious to give it a go.

Last night John and I went to see Mud. LOVED it. I'd been hearing a lot of buzz from my Arkansas friends because it was filmed there, but it wasn't showing here until recently. It was really, really good (says the girl who likes indie films). So much of what's out there these days is unoriginal but this story was definitely unique and I woke up thinking about it this morning which says a lot. Plus, Matthew McConaughey + Reese Witherspoon? Never a bad combo.

Happy Tuesday, friends. Hope you all have a fantastic day!


  1. Yes! I've read Wild and loved, loved it. I'm not a hiker outdoorsy type but I could not put the book down. I missed Cheryl when I finished. I'm sure you will love it.

  2. Your spring has been so much like ours, I hear. Cool. Long-suffering. Cloudy.

    But I was glad to see the picture of your oldest kiddos on here, because I saw it on IG last week and thought, "They are getting so big!" Immediately followed by, "I know that Chili's!" :)

    We're coming to the Springs for July 4th this year. Want to have coffee? Or more?

  3. Meredith, I use Annie Sloan Chalk paint...it is all that you have heard about it and more! I buy old furniture and give it new life, then try to sell it (however, my family ends up with quite a bit of it because they say they want it...and I say take it!) Anyway, my name is Peggy, and I went to Ouachita, I was in John's class...we actually were biology majors together. So if you have any questions, or need tips, I'd be happy to help. Also, the Annie Sloan stockist in your area will be a trove of valuable info (if she's anything like my Stephanie at me & mrs jones here in Memphis). Anyway, I have a facebook page, if you'd like to see some things I've done (Peggy's Cove, a safe harbor for old furniture), or you are welcome to just e-mail me with questions. peggy@salajka.com. I hope you try it...it's a lot of fun!

  4. Peggy, thank you so much! I just liked your page (your work is beautiful) and I really may be emailing you! I can't start this project until July but I'm excited. I stopped by the local shop that stocks AS and the owner was AWESOME! She even gives classes.

    Thanks for your help!

