One of the highlights of my summer was going with Sarah to the One Direction concert in Denver.
We actually purchased our tickets early in 2012, about 14 months prior to the concert. She was completely 1D crazed back then and I was hoping/praying she'd still like them by the time July 24, 2013 rolled around. Of course, she still loves them. And I was the lucky person who got to accompany her to the concert.
It was AWESOME and SO MUCH FUN! It's one of my top two summer memories! And guess what? Now I'm also completely crazed about 1D (Louie and Harry are my faves!) and I make my kids listen to my 1D playlist on my iPhone everytime we get in the car. The girls don't mind, but the boy gives me some not-so-subtle eye rolls and heavy sighs.
It was AWESOME and SO MUCH FUN! It's one of my top two summer memories! And guess what? Now I'm also completely crazed about 1D (Louie and Harry are my faves!) and I make my kids listen to my 1D playlist on my iPhone everytime we get in the car. The girls don't mind, but the boy gives me some not-so-subtle eye rolls and heavy sighs.
Fun! I have to admit that I am totally out of the loop and have never even heard of One Direction. :) Kelly