It is c-c-c-cold in Colorado this morning!
I'm afraid we might have jinxed the snow day we were certain we were going to get by picking up baking supplies and a new snow shovel yesterday. The kids were super disappointed today that we didn't even have a delay. I wouldn't have minded a snow day but it would have made tomorrow interesting for me so I think it's better it worked out this way.
Know what else I picked up yesterday while out running errands? Another bag of candy cane kisses. Know what I just polished off? Yep. The last of the bag. Finished it all by myself in less than twenty-four hours. Evidently, I'm helpless to resist the candy cane kiss. Please tell me I'm not alone.
I'm hoping I can work a nap into my day. I told my walking partners last night that I wasn't walking this morning because of the expected snow + bitter temps and was SO excited about sleeping a little bit longer this morning. I wasn't in a very good mood when my husband's alarm went off at 4AM and woke me up. Ugh. I don't function well when I don't get enough sleep. Crossing my fingers I can squeeze a 30 minute nap in this afternoon!
Will took this photo while finishing up the last of our pumpkin pie from Thanksgiving.
He titled it Wi-Pi. Made me laugh.
Happy Hump Day!
I counted the snow day too soon too! My son has an app that predicted "99% chance of a snow day" and we were disappointed. Bundle up!