Monday, January 06, 2014

January Currents

Current Read: I haven't made time for reading lately so I'm still trying to finish The Secret Keeper and John just finished reading a book I want to read too.

Current Playlist: I'm not lying when I tell y'all that I'm all over the place with my music. Right now I'm enjoying a mix of Lady Antebellum, One Direction, Cold Play, the Frozen soundtrack, Sugarland, and Lady Gaga. With a little Chris Tomlin thrown in. E-C-C-L-E-C-T-I-C.

Current Color(s): I'm leaning to brown and other neutrals these days, but I finally found my red wool cap so pops of red are definitely in the mix.

Current Drink: I bought a box of this herbal tea a few weeks ago…so good!

Current Food: I'm on a bit of a quinoa kick lately. Also loving spaghetti squash. Mainly I'm just trying to eat clean (no processed food) this month.

Current Favorite Favorite: I've decided I really, really like yoga. I've been to a class with my friend a few times (she even gifted me with my own yoga mat for Christmas--SO sweet) and I just really like how it makes me feel!

Current Addiction: I'm way too addicted to playing Candy Crush. I'm also addicted to the television show Scandal, which I discovered on Netflix over the weekend. I'm embarrassed to tell you how many episodes I watched in two days.

Current Wish List: I really and truly can't think of anything to write here.

Current Need: Ditto here. My spending challenge has me re-evaluating most things I think I "need" and the truth is I lack for almost nothing.

Current Triumph: I'm pretty happy about my team winning the championship in one of my Fantasy Football leagues. I came in fourth in the other but I'm happy with that too!

Current Annoyance: Our dog will scratch and whine to go out and I let him out. Then two seconds later he's on the other side of the door scratching and whining to come in. Repeat about 25 times. All day. Every day. A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G.
Oh…one more annoyance. A homework project over Christmas break for my sixth grader. Feeling slightly annoyed with one teacher in particular right now.

Current Mood: Relaxed but focused! I have a lot of stuff to tackle today.

Current Blessing(s): I've watched my husband suffer through an injury (pinched nerve) for a week now and at this moment, I'm incredibly grateful for the blessing of a healthy, strong body!

Current Outfit: Yoga pants, Woo Pig Sooie t-shirt, ski socks, furry slippers, and a fleecy snowflake robe. Classy.

Current Excitement: I'm getting very excited about a girls' trip I have later in the month!

Current Project(s): I mentioned over the weekend about my No-Spend January project. It's already feeling challenging. I probably should have worked harder to get my family on board with me--they're not where I am and therein lies my challenge. Sigh.

Current Prayers: Praying for my husband's shoulder (I think he's going to see our chiropractor friend tomorrow), for a friend facing some really tough personal stuff right now, and for several friends still battling cancer. Also praying for a GREAT second semester for my kiddos and a smooth start for all of us tomorrow morning.

Current plans for the day: I need to find my work groove this morning after considerable time off. After that I promised the kids (they start back to school tomorrow) that we'd get out. They have gift cards they'd like to spend and I have a few errands to run. I also plan to watch the part of Downton Abbey that I slept through last night (just couldn't make it until 11pm) and make something yummy for dinner though I have no idea what that might be at the moment. :)

Current Words:  Mad Men is one of my favorite television shows and my favorite Don Draper quote of all time is this: If you don't like what's being said, change the conversation.
I've been mulling that over for a few days now. I like what that means metaphorically. It kind of goes along with that Know What You Want stuff I posted about in December. There are a few "conversations" going on in my life that I'm working towards changing…and it feels very good and very freeing right now. 

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