1. It's snowing outside my window right now and it's so pretty. Big, thick flakes are coming down and the snow is beginning to accumulate. I wasn't aware of snow being in the forecast until I went grocery shopping yesterday (along with half of my small town) and everyone I ran into kept asking if I was ready for the snow. I actually like snow in December and January. My affection wanes considerably in March-April-May.
2. After learning that snow was indeed in the forecast, I purposefully got out and finished all my errands last evening so that I could stay home all day today! There's something about a snowy Saturday that just makes me want to stay cozied up in my house, preferably in pjs with a book, blanket, and hot beverage.
3. Two friends and I are doing a doing a "fiscal fast" this month. It's basically a month of zero extra spending other than food, gas, bills. I have a few things on the calendar that I've made an allowance for but other than that I'm trying not to spend money. That means no more movies, no more Starbucks, no more clothes or random stuff, no more eating out (trying to eat at home this entire month), and no more spending period. It's hard but it's just for the month of January and I know I can do this. Having people to be accountable to helps. I don't know about you but it feels like the month of December is one long financial hemorrhage. Anyone want to join us? We usually check in by text or email every few days for accountability. Let me know and I'll add you to our group message thread.
4. Call me old-fashioned but I'm not ready to go completely electronic with my calendar system. I bought a wall calendar at Costco back in October and yesterday I finally opened it. I didn't get it hung up but I did get it out of the package and wrote a few things down on it. There's something about a brand new calendar that is comforting to me. So many possibilities and unknown adventures/challenges that lie ahead. I'm excited about 2014!
5. I'm feeling sad that Christmas break is coming to a close. Our kids start back on Tuesday and John goes back to work Monday. It's been nice having everyone home--I love that more than anything--but we are SO out of our routine that it will be nice to have some semblance of order restored!
6. I really don't have a sixth thing but I hate to end with only five. I should probably get up and get some laundry going and get my house straightened up a bit before I begin my snowy-day-of-sloth. Happy Saturday, friends!
We are having a snowy Sunday and Monday here in Chicago! Enjoying the relaxed pace the kids reading new books and playing new games they received for Christmas. I, too, feel like I just bled money during December. I hate to even look at my checking account balance! I am doing the no spend January too. It feels good to deny myself sometimes and the feeling that comes with knowing I can do it (with the Holy Spirit's help, of course:) ). Enjoy!