Saturday, January 18, 2014

Six on Saturday

Ahhhhhhhh, Saturday.

1. I've said this before but there is a direct correlation between my free time and my blog posts. An intuitive blog reader might look at my blog activity last week and infer that my week was quite full. And they'd be right. Despite being full it was a very good week but I'm beyond thankful for a three-day weekend with my family.

2. I've cooked dinner FIFTEEN nights in a row now. Yesterday I made my every-two-week grocery/Costco run so my fridge and pantry are stocked and I'm trying to cook and eat at home until I leave town at the end of the month. I'm a pretty goal oriented person. Once I set my mind to something, I typically "get there". So it is with this No-Spend-January challenge. Twelve more days…I am determined. 

3. This week my son asked a girl to his school's winter dance. He coordinated with a teacher who let him surprise the girl during class with an invite. It was sweet and I was really proud of him. He texted me yesterday morning to tell me she said YES. John and I really see these "dating" experiences as an opportunity for us to teach our son (and our daughters) a myriad of relational things, with respect being at the very top of that list. Our parenting job is never finished. It looks a little different now than it did ten or fifteen years ago but I truly love teenagers!

4. I've had several interesting conversations this week about social media. Here are some of my random thoughts about it. 1) I'm fascinated by how much social media has changed the social landscape of our lives over the past five or six years. 2) I also find it sad that my children will probably never remember life apart from social media. 3) I don't particularly care for any of it. It's not the platform itself that bothers me as much as the behaviors I see manifested there. 4) That being said, I'm deeply invested in many different social media platforms on a daily basis. Some of it is for work (not my choice); some is personal (definitely my choice).  5) I took a social media course for work last fall and I'm in a marketing boot camp right now and honestly, social media is an unparalleled marketing tool for businesses. There's no denying that. 6) Which all makes me all the more conflicted about it. 7) This should really be it's own post, huh? Because I've got so much more to say. 8) I think my husband's quote is brilliant: "Facebook is a brothel and we're all paying customers." -John Blase

5. ^^^ I think that paragraph above should count as #4 and #5, don't you? ^^^

6. Anyone else find selfies of your teen posted from your Instagram account? Just me? Alrighty then. Good thing he's cute.
PS: If you don't know what a "selfie" is, then you have some googling to do. 

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