Saturday, January 25, 2014

Six on Saturday

1. I am always so grateful when we've made it through another week. This one felt hard. John's sweet grandmother died earlier this week. I really loved her. When John and I were newly married, he was in seminary and preached on Sundays at a church close to his grandparents' home. We spent a lot of Sundays around their dinner table and I have such good memories of those afternoons spent with her. John actually saw her late last year and I'm so thankful he had that chance. Another friend of ours died this week too, right on the heels of his son's heart attack. It's just been a heavy week. Some are like that…

2. Poor Sarah has been pretty sick this week too. She missed a full day of school and a couple of half days. Bless her heart, she takes school so seriously and does not like to fall behind. She toughed it out a couple of days through her academic classes so she could stay fairly caught up. I'm glad she has the weekend to rest up. I think she's shared her germs with me though. I haven't been feeling so great myself lately. I hope this weekend I can rest up too! (I feel like I say that every weekend).

3. I am getting SOOOOOOOOO excited about my girls trip next weekend! I didn't realize until a few weeks ago that I'd be traveling home on Super Bowl Sunday. Thankfully I will be home with a few minutes to spare before kick-off. :)

4. Sarah and I tried kombucha yesterday. We ran by the health food store after school to grab a few things I missed on my grocery run last week. She saw the bottle and we decided to give it a whirl. Um, we're not fans. It's slimy and weird (and disgusting) but now we can say we've tried it…and lived to tell.

5.  Fiscal-Fast Check In: I drove up to Denver to see my friends earlier this week and spent money on lunch and parking. That was one of the things I knew was on my calendar when I started this challenge so I'd already planned to spend money that day. I also spent a little bit this week on a couple of other things. I ordered Google Chromecast for an upcoming conference I'm going to stream and watch with friends. I was going to wait and buy it in February, but I want to make sure it arrives in time to figure it out. I also got a Stitch Fix yesterday. I'll do a separate post later this week, but I ended up spending a little bit on top of my referral credit. We've eaten at home every night since we got back from Winter Park though. I think I'm up to twenty-two straight nights of cooking. Wowza.

6. Some random pics from my iPhone:
Hot Tamales--my carpool line snack one day this week. I'm certain they're not as good for me as kombucha (ha!) but they taste much, much, MUCH better.
I adore my head lamp. I strap it on every morning when I walk in the c-c-cold at o'dark-thirty. I like to think that my walking posse appears to be a formidable force on the trail with these strapped to our noggins.
It snowed here one day this week. Not a lot, but enough to cover the ground. I took this photo as I was leaving the pharmacy. The clouds were beginning to clear over the mountains and you'll have to trust that it looked prettier in person.

HAPPY Saturday!


  1. I am traveling to my parents this week and realized I also will be flying home on super bowl sunday! :/ I should arrive home before kickoff...or else I might have to wait it out at the airport! :)

    I don't like I will take your word for it and never try kombucha!!

    Hot tamales!! my favorite candy...looking at your picture made me drool just a little...I am on a fast with no sugar. however I see those in my future come March!!!

  2. I am sorry you've had a hard week. You are right--some weeks are just like that. Kombucha sounds awful!! Don't think I'll be trying that one. Are you streaming the If conference? I know it will be so good!
